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July 14, 1969 Mr. Le sPersells Exec~ve Director Atlanta Housing Authority 824 Hurt Building Atlanta, Georgia 30 30 3 r Lee: D I m athering some inform tion relating to federal aid to ). tl nta for t.b year 1966 throu h 1968. I have ecured the figure relating to urban rene nd now need the figures for public bou ing. It ia my understandin that th r · is an nn l contribution by the ied :i-al mment which ia determin d by computing the deficit that result from the oper tion of the v riou housing project • lf tbi und ratandin is correct. l would appreci t the mount of thil nnual federal contribution for th y r 1966 tbro h 1968. v, l c ,: inly apprec te: your • i ce on this. Very truly youl' • , Dan E. S DES:J at l �