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CITY OF .ATLANTA. CITY HALL August 6, 1969 ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 Area Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR CECIL A. ALEXANDER, Chairman Housing Resources Committee MALCOLM D. JONES Housing Coordinator MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Dan E. Sweat, Jr. Chief Adrninistrati ve Officer Mr. Tommy Hess, Manager of the Central City EOA Neighborhood Center, under which the J. P. Stevens and Company temporary Relocation Assistance Office is operating, informed me today that although the services of Mrs. Hazel Johnston, the current Housing Authority Relocation Worker with the Mill Village project, are highly satisfactory, however, much to his disappointment, the Relocation Housing Office of the Housing Authority (Mr. Howard Grisby) has not provided any lists of firms to contact, information or assistance for relocating families in private enterprise rentals or sales housing. Further that Mr. Grisby stated that his office keeps no information on sources for relocation, other than Public Housing. Mr. Hess advises that his s taff has had to refer exclusively to newspaper ads and direct contact with Atlanta Real Estate Board to gather information on pas sible sources of private rentals or sales and prevailing prices. It was my understanding, when in 1964 the City contracted with the Housing Authority to establish a Central Relocation Housing Office to perform relocation services on a city-wide basis (in a ddition to Urban Renewal areas, which responsibility they already had) for families displaced by Governmental action, that they were to include a ll available sources of private enterprise housing, in addition to Public Housing facilities. This is exactly what the R e locatio~Housing Division of the Urban Renew al Department (only 3 people) were doing when the city -wide relocation function was turned over to the Housing Authority. It certainly appears that the Central Relocation Housing Office of the City should be up to date on and utilize a ll pas sible sources for relocation in private enterprise developments, in addition to Public Housing. �Mr. l.ian E. Sweat, Jr. August 6, 1969 Page Two Some time ago I sensed that the Housing Authority Relocation Housing Office was relying too extensively on Public Housing only for relocation purposes. I came to that conclusion when I found out that the Housing Relocations Office did not have a list of low and moderate incom~ housing developments under the low-income housing program. I asked Mr. Grisby about this at the time and he told me that they did not have a list of the various projects shown in the HRC periodic progress rep-orts, but that his staff knew pretty well which ones they were and how to get in touch with them. As a result of that experience, I then personnaly sent Mr. Satterfield a complete list of all the low-income housing projects, explaini,ng that it was for use by the Reloc ation Housing Office. Apparently that idea didn 1 t take. Furthermore, the recent experience with the J. P. Stevens and Company personnel indicates that the City 1 s contract with the Housing Authority for operating a central relocation facility should provide not only utilization of a ll sources of housing available, but should also include relocation assistance, when needed, for any reasons whatsoever, a nd not limited to displacement by Governmental action only. Sincerely, Malcolm D. Jones Housing Coordinator MDJ/m c �