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LE S TER H . PERSELLS EDWIN L, STERNE EXECUTIVE DIR E CTOR A1'::l S ECRETAR Y CHAIRMAN CARL T O N GARRE TT D IR E CTOR OF FINAN CE GEORGE S. CRAFT VICE CHAIRMAN G ILBERT H. BOGGS D I RECTOR O F HOU S lt~G HOWARD OPENSHAW DIR E CT OR OF REDEVELOPMENT J. B. SLAYTON GEORGE R. SAND ER FRANK G. ETHERIDGE TECH NICAL DIREC TOR JACK F. GLENN 824 HURT BU IL D IN G ATLANTA , G EOR GIA 30303 JACK SON 3-6074 August 21, 1969 Mr. Dan Sweat City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Sweat: Enclosed is a copy of the evaluation summary of tbe M.IoTo Program for Urban Executiveso As indicated in Peter Gil's letter of August 20, 1969, tbe program will again be offered in January and June of 19700 I strongly recommend that Atlanta continue its participation in the programo It was one of the .most challenging and rewarding experiences of .my life, and I trust, one that will ultimately r esult in a .more effective management and administration in the Atlanta Housing Authority o Very truly yours, Howard Openshaw Director of Redevelopment HO: vw Encl �