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Massachusetts Institute of Technology Alfred P. Sloan School of Ma nagement 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachuse tts, 02139 . Executive Development Programs: Alfred P. Sloan Fellows Program M. I. T. Program for Senior Executives August 20, 1969 Y


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>"' , I Dear /~, Of the 20 pnrt i,:!i pants who attcDcled the 2nd 1-I. I. T. Progra m for· Url.Jan :C:;{t:c:cutL,2s we recG:.i.ved 19 respor,.s cs. These .have b ee n c cnsn li da ted and I enclose a copy. I "lh0t~ g ht y•.)ll ·would lE-;:e t;) have a pic·i:1:1re of the group ' s reaction. I'm happy - to say ·th~t we will be going ahead on a regular basis with thf s prcgr~m . There will be a program off e:te d thts co1:1ing Jrl .Lrn f•. ry :-i. nd anoth1::1.· on f.; naxt Jun e. hone that this gives you sufficient time for you 8nd your co. 8<igu es to Ql R11 a nor.dnati.on f or January or 1ne - o r 5ot11. I sa y bo :h b e c2uo0 we ar e convinced 1.. 1::n the ma~i mum j _mpact from this kind education will corn; f r om having a e;roup of p eop l e '\Vorking toge the r who have attended tho progra11. The y will tend to s upport and reinforce one ano t!1e .l.' ... to .s hare n. cor.11non l a ngua g e and even .n sort o f ~:, i:wrt hand. We strong ly be li2 ve that h aving 5 pe ople in the S8me working gr oup, who hnve bee n to M.I.T., is conside rably grea t er in effectiveness - thnn 5 ti mes l. of We wi ll ke s p the tot ~ l f ee be low th e $ 1,000 level and I do want to go ,.1.ll c ad and invite s ome exec uti ves from industry '.v ho ;yo :ck w:i. th c it..i e s - a.ncl who.: .: e hi gher tui tio n wou.l d contribute t <Yita rds c o~1 cr ing; th e co.s t of the p r o g:carn. �- 2 ...:.,, / If you have any suggestions about any particular person whom you think should be invited to attend, I would be pleased to follow-up on it. I plan to contact companies like Avco, GE, Westinghouse, etc . ./ I'm sorry t6 have to inform you that Polly Karb has gone into the hospital for an operation. We are all ~oping that s~e will come through it all quickly and easily. Our warmest and fondest wishes. I I Si~L Peter· P. Gil Associate Dean Executive Programs PPG/sa Enclosure

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