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' ,·· NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The 1967 a1nendrn.ents to the Federal Econo1nic Opportunity Act require that a political subdivision such as Fulton County or the City of Atlanta hold a public hearing to provide an opportunity for

residents and orga niz a tions in the cornm.unity to publicly express

their views on the ques tion of d esignation of a cornn:mnity action agency. All inte rested p e rsons and organizations are hereby invite d to subrn.it written com.rD.ents and to be h ea rd Friday, M a y 31, 1968, at 11:00 a. m. in the Ald e rrnanic Charnber , S econd Floor, City Hall, 68 Mitchell Stre e t, S. W. The subj ect for consideration at this he aring i s th e c1 esignatio!1 of ~ Econo1nic Opportun ity Atlanta , Inc. as the co1nmw1ity acti on agency for Atlanta and FuHo:n Cotmty. On M arch 15, 1968, both governments sub1nitte d to th e Office of Econornic Opportunity a sta t e ment of intention which was a t entativ e d ecis ion to designate Economic Opportunity Atl ant a , Inc. as th e co1nnnm iiy action agency for Atla nta and F ulton C o lU1ty. ~ - .\ --~ J JJ_.,1jl c , Cl. erk ··oc ol....A-Jcle r n1e n City of AtJ ant a ,; 1


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