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WOODRUFF MEDICAL CENTER OF .. EMORY UNIVERSITY ' T HOMAS K. G L ENN MEM OR IAL B UILDI NG 69 BUTLER S TREET, S , E . A T LANTA, GEORGIA SCHOOL O F MEDICINE 30303 January 16 , 1968 Ivan Allen , Jr. Mayor City Hal l At l anta, Geor gi a ~ ~ v,Mmc,Ne M,JNITY HEALTH 30303 Dear Si r : You and Mr . Dan Sweat were wel l repr e s ented l ast Wednesday aft ernoon, J anua ry 10, at t he inf ormati on me eting for t he Compr ehens i ve Ne i ghborhood Health Center pr ogr am in the Price Area by Mr . J ohnny Robins on . Thi s program has great potential meaning f or the f uture development of healt h care especiall y f or t he medically i ndigent i n t he Atlant a ar ea , but it ' s success will in l arge part be det ermine d by t he j oint participat i on of a ll ar eas of t he Atlanta community i nterest ed in heal t h . Your offi ce could b e extremely e ffec t ive i n motivating t he local public health and welf are a gencies, city , county , and stat e into great er cooper ation and i nterest i n t he pr ogram. To thi s end we would welcome t he oppor tuni t y if you would be able to give some of your own time to help us go into t h i s aspect of t he program i n great er det ail . . Si ncerel y , ~ 4 - ,:t],,.,/ ~~ Calvin A. Br own , M. D. Pr o j e ct Co- Director CAB/ WMM :b c ~~ M. Marine , M.D. , As soci at e Professor Proj e ct Co-Di r e ctor �