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l SOUTHEAST REGIONAL OFFICE ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30308 1:.XECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OFFICE OF ECONOMIC (Jllll(ll~TlJNITY February 9, 1968 Q. 1k. Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta 68 Mitchell Street, S. W. Atlanta, Georgia \)r'- , \ [) ~ K"'k. .,J- "J~i',·p \)\

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changes in the requirements for community action agencies which conduct local anti-poverty programs under Title II of the Act. The new amendments give state and local governments the right to designate the community action agency to serve their areas. The relevant government may desi gnate the ex isting CAA as the agency to carry on the anti-poverty program after July 1, 1968. Alternatively, it may elect to designate itself or another public agency or private non-profit organization to assume responsibility for community action programs. As a general matter an existing community action agency must cease operations by February 1, 1969, i f the second alternative is chosen. In addition, all community action a gencies--both new and old--must satisfy the revised requirements concerning the composition of the a gency's board of directors by July 1, 1968. By May 1, 1968, existing CAA's must submit certification that such requirements have been met or that they will be met prior to July 1, 1968. The enclosed booklet exp lains the amendments and t he policies, pr ocedures an d application forms which must be followed. It is i mpor tant that you familiarize yourself with those policies and pro c edur es at once , since steps must be taken ve r y quickly if compl i ance with t he new requirements is not to result i n disruption of vital s ervi c es t o the poor in thos e communities which a l r eady have community action agencies. Plea se note that the s tate or l ocal governmen t designation of a community action ag ency and t h e accompanying app l ica t ion to OEO for its recognition should be recei ved by OEO no t later than July 1, 1968 . Other local governments within the area to be s e rve d by the agency must be notified of the intention to apply at least 45 days beforehand-- that is, not later than May 15, 1968. �- 2 - In view of this time schedule, I cannot stress too strongly the need for prompt attention to the enclosed booklet. Copies of the application forms may be obtained for your use by filling out and returning the enclosed Notice of Intention to Designate which we would like to have by March 15, 1968. I urge you to do so as soon as possible so that we can be of maximum assistance to you. The name of the OEO official who has immediate responsibility for your area is listed below. Please feel free to contact him after you have read the enclosed materials. Sincerely, ~ tr:r:?~,) Ralph A. Phelps, !r. Regional Director �