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A RES OLUTIO N BY SAM HASSELL , J R . : RESOLU'l'I ON DESIG NAT I NG ECU.NOMIC OPPO~'I'UNITY A'.l'LJJ ;TA, INC OR?ORATED, AS THE COM?1UNITY AC'.I'IOi-J AGENCY FOR THE CITY OF ATLANTA . 1 WHEREAS, the 1967 Amendments to the Federal Economic Opportunity Act re quire tha t a politica l subdivision such a s The City of Atlanta designa te a community action a gency to plan , conduct, administer, eva luate , 2nd otherwise fulfill the ~urpos es of the Economic Opportunity Act; and WHEREAS, the A..rnendments referred to above furt her require tha t a public hearing be conducted in order to provide an opportunity for residents and orga nizations to publicly expres s their views before The City of Atlanta designa tes such communi ty action agency; and WHEREAS, the City of Atla nta did on May 31, 1968, hold a public he aring for the above sta ted purpose; and WHEREAS, the preponderance of expression at the public hearing was favorable towa rd the d e signa tion of Economic Opportunity Atlanta as the Community Action Agency. NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT RESOLVED tha t the Bo ard of Aldermen, acting as the governing officia ls , do hereby de signate Economic Opportunity Atl anta, Incorpor 2ted, a private non-profit corpora tion, as the Community Action Ag ency for the City of Atlanta. �