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MAJORITY MEMBERS: MINORITY MEMBERS: CARL D. PERKINS, KY . , CHAIRMAN WILLIAM H. AYRES, OHIO ALBERT H. QUIE, MINN . JOHN M. ASHBROOK, OHIO ALPHONZO BELL. CALIF. OGDEN R, REIO, N.Y. EDWARD J, GURNEY, FLA. EDITH GREEN, OREG. FRANK THOMPSON, JR. , N.J. JOHN H. DENT, PA . ROMAN C, PUCINSKI , ILL, DOMINICK V. DANIELS, N,J , JOHN BRADEMAS, IND, JAMES G , O'HARA, MICH. HUGH L. CAREY, N.Y. AUGUSTUS F. HAWKINS , CALIF, SAM GIBBONS, FLA. WILLIAM O. FORD, MICH. WILLIAM D, HATHAWAY, MAINE PATSY T , MINK, HAWAII JAMES H. SCHEUER, N.Y. LLOYD MEEDS, WASH. PHILLIP BURTON, CALIF. CARL ALBERT, OKLA , CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR 2181 RAYBURN HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 JOHN N. ERLENBORN, ILL. W ILLIAM J . SCH ERLE, IOWA JOHN OELLENBACK, OREG. MARVIN L. ESCH, MICH. EDWIN D, ESHLEMAN, PA. JAMES C. G ARO NE R, N . C. WILLIAM A. STEIGER, WIS. JAMES M. COL.LINS, TEX. TELEPHONES: MAJORITY-22!- -'!127 MINORITY-225-3725 December 16, 1968 Dear Sir: The Committee on Education and Labor of the House of Representatives is gathering information on the operation and effectiveness of vari ous programs to reduce unemployment and poverty . The Committee will be concerned with the continuation of the Economic Opportunity Act and the programs included in that Act such as the Neighborhood Youth Corps, the Concentrated Empl oyment Program (CEP), Job Opportunities in the Business Sector (JOBS), Operation Mainstream, New Careers, Community Action, the Job Corps, and Headstart . As Chairman of the Committee on Education and Labor, I would like to know whether these programs are accomplishing their objectives and how well they are working locally. While national statistics are important, there is no substitute for the evaluations of those who are closest to the scene, and so I am seeking your help. One or more of the economic opportunity programs is operating in your community and sho r t que s tionnai r es referr ing to those which are in your communit y and about which you may have knowledge a r.e enclosed. I ask t ha t you give suff i cient time to you r response s to make them as compl et e as pos si bl e. I t would be most useful i f, in addition to che cking the box whi ch be st summarize s your ob servat i ons, you would al s o pr ov i de your own comments i n the spac e s pr ov i ded on the quest ionnaires . By giving us the bene fi t of you r j udgment and experience, you will be rendering a service to the Congress and t o t he c ountry. I t hank you i n advance f or yo ur help and a pp reciate your continuing e ffo r ts on behal f of the poor. Si nce rely, /) ~ .--.··-- o A) . ~ ~ f> b .VJ~,r Carl D. Perkins Cha i rman CDP :mw �