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Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. 101 Mari etta Str ee t Bl dg . • Acl a nca , Georgia 30 30 3 • T. M. P a rham Exec uti v e Ad mini s t rato r December 18 , 1968 TO ATLANTA CIVIC LEADERS: People must constantly ask you, as they ask me, "What can I do?" and "How can I find out what's going on?" Because so many are asking these questions , we have tried to provide new ways for them to learn first hand about Atlanta's needs and to become personally involved as volunteers. In January many civic, religious and social groups will join EOA in a START NOW ATLANTA campaign to alert citizens to Atlanta's needs. The week of January 12 will be proclaimed START NOW ATLANTA week . I hope that y our organization will be able to participate by planning special programs, visiting Atlanta's slums as guests of poor people, or by volunteering as a group or as ind i viduals . I am enclos i ng brief background ma terial plus information abo u t two p r ograms which will be introduced during START NOW ATLANTA week. Please l et me know i f I c an suppl ~ othe r information. Jim Pa rham Admi ni s tra t o r �