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..' . ,, '· . January 30, 1967 CITY HALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522-4463 /\rea Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Adm in istrat ive Ass istant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR., Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDUM To: Mr. William R. Wofford ·' :' From: Ivan Allen·, Jr. Subject: Housing Code Enforcement - Boulevard As you r e call, last S e ptember the shooting of two Negro youths by a white man on Boulevard touched off several days of serious disorders in that area from Forrest Avenue to Ponce de Leon Avenu e . Although the disorders were projected by the shooting incident, conditions in the area were such that the possibility of such an explos ion occurring had been present for some time. The m a in problems pointed out by r e sidents_3Lth e--area wer e primarily c e nte red around housing con ditions includin g ov e rcrowdedness, high rents, roaches and rats, and other sanitation factors. Since the S e ptember incident w e h a v e m a d e some pro g r e ss towar d b e tte r garb age and trash colle cti o n, enfo rc e m e nt o f h ealth m eas u re s, and e limina tion of m a jor criticisms in the a r e a of tr a ffic safety. T here has also be e n much planning in the area of providing for r ec r e ational pro g rams. Howe v er , t he major probl em still exi sting i s o ne whi c h can onl y be solv ed by strict enfo rcement o f the Housing Co e . Therefore , �Mr . W o f ford P a ge T w o J a nuary 30, 19 6 7 I arn r e questin g that your d e p a r t m e nt imme di a t e ly initia te compreh en s i v e Ho usin g C o d - i n spe ction s a long both s ide s of Boulevard fron1. F o rr e st Av e nue to Ponc e d e L e on a nd that property ow ners by r e quir e d to comply with the City 1 s code s. You m a y be assur e d of full coope ration of m y' office, the Housing .Auth ority, EOA and other agenci e s conc e rne d with elimination of unfit housing co n ditions and r e location of residents into standard dwellings. Pl e as e inform me as to how s oon you can initiate inspe ctions alon g this str e et and the anticipated len g th of time which will be required to complete such code enforcement. IAJr:fy �