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Dec ember, 1968 I. II. The Department on Family and Children Services is called upon adjust welfare grants so as to remove inequities in housing and maintenance. This . adjustment will require legislative action: A. The Georgia State Legislature is called upon to increase the standard budget allowance for shelter in Depar tment of Family and Children Services grants throughout the state, and to allocate the money necessary to fund these gran ts. B. Reasonable investiga tion of pr es en t system of paymen ts to determine basis for adjustm~nt. The state laws should be awEnded to provide : A. Tenant participa.tion in : 1. Policy~making, by enlargemen t of local housing authority gover·ning bodie s to a llow for the tenant membership - Reduce terms office from te n to thre e years. 2. Manag ement a. Development of respe ct for te na nt organizations in an advisory capacity; prohibition of turning off utilities for non ~payme nt of rent. b. Establi shment of tenan t-review board to hear and investigate complaints, recoromending disciplinary action in repetitious cases; di sc iplinary a ction agai nst management upon 10 or more written complaints filed with the tenan t association. c. App ointment of t enants to the ne x t vacancies from a de mocra tically selected list of nominees. d. Appointment of resident pr oj e ct managers with authority to ac t. ., B. Democratic e l ections of officers in tenant assoc i a tions . C. Requireme nts for h ealth a nd s a nit a ti on to mee t the original goals of pub lie housit!g f or te nan t f am:: l i es at the e xpense of the housing authority and no i ncr ea s e i n r e~ts . D• . Reorgani zat i on of evicti on proc edures to: 1. 2. Allow si x days ins t ead of pre s ent four. Removal of r equiremen t fo r doubl e i ndetD..nit y bond s where �- 2 -dispossessory warrants are contested in court. IV. 3. Require that receipts be furnished tenants for all charges including: warrant fees, utility bills, repairs, etc. 4. Removal of Section 9-A and like provisions making evictions purely discretionary with managers. The officials and staff of public housing authorities are c~lled upon to work for th e social goals recommended by the Housing Assistance Administration March 22, 1968, including also: A. Respect for tenants as individuals and human beings . B. Sarne regulations and codes for public housing as exist for private housing. C. Uniform requirements in regard to rules and elimination of dues except as established by tenant associations. D. Arrangement of office hours and facilities to suit convenience of most tenants. · E. Public announcements and advertising in regard to vacancies, changes and possibilities for transfers, as well as, itemized financial reports by housing authorities . F. Raising minimum income requirements for youth family members to $600 before inclusion as family income for rent adjustments. G. Rents not to be increased on the basis of a child's income for one year after high school graduation on the assumption that he will be saving for future educational expenses. I �