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--- - SOCIAL SERVICES SUB-COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The most serious problem facing the poor in Atlanta and throughout the state is the impending freeze of welfare assistance. The level of assistanceis already too low. It should be raised. But if it must remain at this low level, at least continue this sole support for mothers with dependent children. The Congressmen from Georg~a are urged to work for the repeal of those provisions which would freeze AFDC at current levels. The proposed tax revision pos es a real threat to the families o f th e poor throughout the state .. The general sales and use of tax is the most regressive tax . It take s a far larger p e rce ntage of the poor man's income than a rich man's, simply b ecause the poor man spends a g reat d eal of his income on n e c ess ities . If the General Assembly increas es the taxes wh ich ar~ regres~ive in·. nature, los s of purchas ing power would be a crippl ing blow to the already low standard of living of t he poor family . We urge the Ge orgia Assemb l y to reject any pla n s which would increase the tax burden of the poor in our state. �