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HOME MANAGEMENT SUB-CO~t~ ITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS The Poor are often the prey of unscrupulous merchants or salesmen. Exorb1tant interest rates on items purchased or inferior quality 6f goods and services are frequently found in our low income n e ighborhoods. These practices must be stopped. 1. We ask that the State of Georgia establish a consumer protection agency to gather facts and evidence against merchants of all types who knowingly cheat and swindle customers with inferior merchandise, foods, and hidden or unfair credit practices. _That this age ncy make this informa tion avail ab le to cons ume rs a nd u se it, too, to advis e Ge or gia Lawmak e r s of needed change s in state laws. 2. That a law b e passed r e quiring full, total, itemized and final c red it costs b e written out imme diately above the place wh e r e t he consumer ·mu st s ign cont racts, for loans, s e rvic es , o r goods . That th ese cos t s al s o b e r ead al oud to th e buy er b e fore h e signs the contract. .J �