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r 1 Econo m ic 'Op·portunit)l A tlanta, jg_~-- ~ 101 \ b.r ie cca Screec Bldg. • ,-\.cla~ca, Georgia 3030 3 • T elephone 688- 101 2 T . \ !. P arh ar.c E xeci..;c i ·: e .-\.Jninis : :-.=.::: u : November 8 , 1968 ' ME. Boisfeu i llet Jone s Chairman EOA Board of Directors 210 Peach tre e Center Building 230 Peachtr e e Street, N . W. Atlanta , Ge orgia 30303 Dear Mr. J ones : A ttac:1 '.::d 1s a sheet f :.:-om t11e week ly Economic Opportunity Report fo ~ t h i.~ w~~k no t i ng ~h at Mr . Dav id-Ro c k fe lle r is urging busi~c~J t o l,bb f or Con sidering t ~e r esu lt s this week , it wo d s e e m adv i s a b l e th t bus i nes s comrnu _ i t y -.,/ho b e l ieve th at " wa r on pove rty " prog rams h ave had po t i ve effec ts s hou l d o w beg i n a n e f fo t t o s tress the d es i rability of the i r c ontintance . Such an e fort would no t h ave to be a blan~et e n dors ement o f a ll c ur . ent ac t ivities b ut ~ crnld e 1;1phas ize t;1e ma i n ~hr u st of c~eat i opportunity and re~ ing un necessary obs ta c les to s o cia l _~ nd -~uman gr owth . • As y ott knc ·,..rriE.se p r og·rams h a ·,le in t h e past f o ur years brought thirty mi l lion dol l ars in fed era l gra:,t s to the At_anta co!11.r.'lunity . Our socia l prob l ens have not been e limin ated but many need ed programs , too costly for l ocal resou rce s , have been made possible : ... SJOO j ob pla cements ha ve been made during t he past twe l ve months through EOA Ce n ters .. . 330 Neighborhood Youth Corps slots were availa b l e fo r school dropouts .. . 8 0, 000 hours of o.

�I I Mr. Boisfeuillet Jones -2- November 8 , 1968 part- cime work were a v ailable ~or youngsters in t he summer prograrn ... 1100 boys hav e been recrui ted this y ear for J ob Corps enr ollment ... 1048 persons were enrolled in ACEP training programs ... EOA staff positions prov ided 350 jobs for reside nts of target neighborhoods . I ... OEO-EOA \funds supported twelve day care centers pr 9viding t wo - thirds of all available "public" da.Y car e slots available in the c om.uunity (800 of approximately 1200) ... EOA Neighbo·rho~d Centers helped de v elop five youth c enters in neighborhoods with sparse recreational facilities . . . a number of low income youngsters "b.e1ve been g 'iven otherwise unattainable educa.tional opportunit y ; through th~ Upward Baun~ Program ... 2300 children recei ve d the benefits of Summer Head St art Progra ms . I · e s h a v e success ... OEO-EOA suppor te d 1 ega 1 ser v ic full y ch a lle nged antiquated welfare regulations and gi ven a ne w d eg ree of equity· to the poor in their deali ngs wi th thos e who exploit their i a no rance .. ~the Comoreh e ns ive Health Center will provide a badly n ee ded ~xper i me nt jn deliv e r y of preven tive Jed ical s e r v ices to 28,000 resi dents of an inn~r city slurn . .. the Emp loyment Eva lua t ion Center, now operated by Georg ia Vocational Re habili tation Agency and a valuable part of the city's e m~ l Q ab ili ty effort , got its start with a two million dollar grant fro m 020 .. . Planned .?arentnoo ' d i~ . \ s er v ing . 7500 women i. n nine . c en ters with a l arge share of t he fun ds from EOA ... Seni or Citi zens Serv i ce , largeli ~h rough EOA supp ort , pro~ id es counselling, r ecreat io~. train~ ing, and tr ahsportat ion to 250 0 a g ed participants monthly ... fo~ty senior citizens work in ~he Fo s t er -' Q I - ~ �~ -- - ~ ---~ - - I Mr. Boisfe uillet Jc~es Nover;i.ber 8 , 1 968 -3- Gra ndpare~ts P=ogra2 providirg te~der lo v ing care to children at Gracy Hospital , the F u lton Juvenile Court , and Carrie Steel ?itts Horae . ... Aides i n fo u rteen Neighborho od Service Centers cont a ctei 35,596 ?ersons ~uring the pas t t ~elve mo~ ths .. .. 15, 763 new reque sts were recei ved ~or ~ocial se r v ice 2s s istanc e . tota 1 2 t te:--J:::.2.r..::e 2 t r-.ore than 2000 cor:i..cc\u n i t y I - e .;...;..., . . . . . =: . . . ,.._:,,..__ ...:i, .. L; n-. . n ~ p ac:!.,, '-:- o._ .:.--L. ..-..';"l·h,,... ... "::l ml c:: '- - .:. -~ ,.:. . _!. .1.:; .;~--_ L. ~-· i_ ·.-, e_ -...., J. . i:..:._ .::, ·N ._ s 12 --:·" , -0 ? ,....Q~,-,~ ~" c-. ';::, -- ' l_·_:.:, n oo - ~~ c =.s.'---- II ;? -r 0 -, ·, .1.Q_C c.. ':Oc.G __ c.-::: ·- [Tle ;::,_ f\. .:, 0 .:.. _ e xpr. e ss i c;:-: a:-:d co;-:-_--:1un i ca ti on f or the poor ... co untle ss= ~~ = of k i ndness h a ve hel8ed re li eve iIPnec i a te --~ ._ .p._::::.-.:, __ . ~~==~,_ Of . c ourse , no on~ argues that these ·prcgrams have· been cer -fect ec. Mu .:::1 h::,s bee::-: lea r:--,ed , n ut ,,_ce a re -== ti 11 grao8 l ir.c c.a i l ,· with such to ug~ questions as develc9ing l ea~2 rship anong ~he po or , movinq g r ~u ps ~6 ~ard c onstructive activ ities , mot i v a~i ng the hard core cnecploye ~. stretch ing li mite~ do ll ars and u si~g - ·'~~ -- : , ' =~~. - , . I ELC .. . R . . . . .' - ce . t 'nen mo~,, ._ e.:..=""!.. c- L • esarc, l_ess or~ cricicis~s . cne =a is that many t~ings, tangible and intang i~le, have bee~ ac:1.ie ~ ed that h2. 1e :-r.2:.::: e t h is co:-f'.r:-__:nity a better pl22-2 to li ve . It is har d to i:-::-,a; i:1 2 soins bac~ to 2 tiwe when s~ch prosra r:i. s were . ., . ,l "' ., . . . . . no t p ass i:::i le , bet:. l r :::;ecerc. l f uncir.g ls s ev2::-e ly C.lE\L. is1'..ec. the prosrans ~i ll be irapossible to contin u e _ Durins these f our - r - ,,.1--,-=-..., ..- -.,.,;r!.. , - ;-:-ii'1lio?7 n ..,. re c~e- "'--=- =one v_ has'"' """'·., -_ , _._ ;:o_ .--'!,.::. Ye ct_~ ,, ___ ,. 1 ~1 -.:, l .. --t : doll.:::i·~__ _. _ .:::, -i -l l. --a vailable , onl~ 2ppr o~ i n2te l y fi ve hundret ~ho u san d d o lla rs has b een alloc 2 c2c ~ y cic y a~d co un t y go v er w7 2n~s . j - - '- _, - !.. 0 1,. J... _ _ >--J ..__ _ _ _ I h op2 t hat Atlan~a b Lsi n ess and poli~ical wil l e -..-:orPs cc -'L. - :1. '-=.::. --~~.::::.- .__ "'h-~k: - • I s tr onq- l- v- to th e ne-:.-: na t i ona 1 adrr,inis t r at ion. on the "--a lL:e these efforts to co:1tinued c ora.c1.'-,nit::/ gr o,,,-t"h a ..d de ve l opr:i.2:1 t 1• -\ - -J.. -- - ot \ l Sinc e rel y----- ym.;.rs, T. M. J i m P arh am , Ex ecu ti ve A~.in istra tor T N,J?/j c c: A.E. St e r n e Mr. Brad l e y Cur ~ey Mr. Al bert J. Bcws, Jr. ~r. Curt is Dri s~ e ll I ~~ - / - --- - �