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�vocational skills Job Corps vocational instruction is planned in steps so a Corps member can enter employment after each level of training. However, each member is urged to train in as many skill levels as possible to increase his employment potential. Here are vocational skills taught by Job Corps. AUTOMOTIVE BUILDING SERVICES CLOTHING SERVICES COMPUTER OPERATIONS COSMETOLOGY CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRONICS FOOD SERVICES GRAPHIC ARTS HEALTH SERVICES HEAVY EQUIPMENT LANDSCAPE/ NURSERY MACHINE TRADES OFFICE & CLERICAL OFFICE MACHINE REPAIR RETAIL SALES Here are sample comments received from employers: INLAND STEEL CO., East Chicago, Indiana : Job Corps graduates currently on our rolls have demonstrated good work abilities and habits. They · are most cooperative and industrious, and reflect only credit on their training in the Job Corps. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS, INC., Attleboro, Massachusetts : We have but one regret in hiring John- we wish we hired ten more like him . John is extremely well regarded and mixes very well with his associates. Job Corps is the Office of Economic Opportunity's voluntary program of human renewal and work readiness. To accomplish its purpose , Job Corps seeks lo comp ensate youngsters for a childhood spent in social , economic, and educational deprivation . Job Corps teaches basic reading and mathematics skills to youth who cannot read a simple sentence or solve a second -grade arithmetic problem . Job Corps offers guidance to young men and women who genera Ily have come from broken homes, with little in the way of adult supervision or control. Job Corps offers medical and dental care for its members-the majority of whom have had no previous contact with a doctor or dentist. Job Corps teaches vocational and employment skills to youth who not only have never held jobs, but who also lack the ability to find jobs. Job Corps teaches the importance of respect and responsibility to youth who have become bitter and hostile as a result of their deprivation . Job Corps shows young people that differences and problems are better resolved by democratic processes than by viol ence. Job Corps provides the alternative of productive and responsible citizen~h_ip for thousands who might otherwise have· known continued poverty , illiteracy, unemployment, and delinquency. program 1. Untitled/ L~RRY ANGEL/ Honolulu , Hawaii/Vocation: Art 2. H1eroglyph1cs/ ARTHUR ARNOLD/ Pacific Grove, California . Vocation : Forestry 3. Untitled/ STUART ASHKANAZY/ Miami , Florida . . . Vocation : Office Machine Repair 4. Sti ll Life/ MYRA BARNETT / Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania Vocation: Key Punch Operation 5. Untitled/VI NC ENT CASCIO/ Boston , Massachusetts Vocation : Clerical Skills continued STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF OHIO, Cleveland : If Miss P. is in any way indicative of your training and the type of student Job Corps can produce, you are to be commended . You are doing a very necessary and excellent job . ST. MARGARET HOSPITAL, Kansas City , Kansas : J. is doing quite well. Her job knowledge is good , her relationship with co-workers excellent. She is neat and anxious to cooperate . If you have other trainees like J., I would like to- hire tflem . IBM, San Jose, California : We have employed 23 Job Corps graduates and in general are quite satisfied . We feel that Corpsmen make good employees and have a very good attitude toward their work and learning. NATIONAL RESTAURANT ASSOCIATION, Chicago : The 16 boys we re ceived from Job Corps have all been placed in food service positions in Chicago and suburban areas . All employers, as well as fellow workers, show complete satisfaction with the boys' ability and eagerness to learn . UNI -ROYAL INC ., Joliet, Illinois: Our experience in employing Job Corps graduates has been excellent. They have made steady progress and in some cases received promotions. They have impressed me with their cooperation and willingness to abide by company rules and policies , and their desire to succeed . They have intense loyalty to the Job Corps and show a determination to make good so the road might be easier for other graduates. �vocational skills Job Corps vocational instruction is planned in steps so a Corps member can enter employment after each level of training. However, each member is urged to train in as many skill levels as possible to increase his employment potential. Here are vocational skills taught by Job Corps. AUTOMOTIVE BUILDING SERVICES CLOTHING SERVICES COMPUTER OPERATIONS COSMETOLOGY CONSTRUCTION EDUCATION & SOCIAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL/ ELECTRON I CS FOOD SERVICES GRAPHIC ARTS HEAL TH SERVICES HEAVY EQUIPMENT LANDSCAPE/ NURSERY MACHINE TRADES OFFICE & CLERICAL OFFICE MACHINE REPAIR RETAIL SALES Job Corps is a unique partnership of Federal, state, and local governments, of private enterprise , trade unions, universities, social agencies, and community groups. The 93 Job Corps conservation centers are operated on public lands by the U.S. Departments of Agriculture and Interior, and by four states. The 28 urban and 3 special centers, located generally at unused military bases or leased private facilities , are operated under contract by 18 large companies , seven universities, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, The Texas Educalional Foundation , Inc., and the Young Women's Christian Association . Job Corps trainees are helped to find jobs by the U. S. Department of Labor, and the state employment services. Two voluntary agencies, Women In Community Service (WICS) and Joint Action for Community Service (JACS), help trainees adjust to community life and stick with their jobs. WICS also recruits for Job Corps, as does the AFL-CIO . 1. Untitled/ LARRY ANGEL/ Honolulu , Hawaii/Vocation: Art 2. Hieroglyphics/ ARTHUR ARNOLD/ Pacific Grove, Californi a Vocation: Forestry 3. Untitled/ STUART ASHKANAZY/ Miami, Florida Vocation : Office Machine Repair 4. Still Life/ MYRA BARNETT/ Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania Vocation : Key Punch Operation 5. Untitled/VINCENT CASC IO/ Boston , Massachusetts Vocation : Clerical Skills u continued Youngsters enter a residential, educational, and work-skill training program that is without parallel in American education . At the 124 Job Corps centers, the program includes : individual tutoring and counseling, both formal and informal; trained staff to supervise and help enrollees 24 hours a day and on weekends; special new self-instructional materials to help enrollees move along at their own speed; modern equipment, donated by business firms, to teach modern vocational skills. who comes to Job Corps? Young men and women between the ages of 16 and 22, who are out of school, unable to find an adequate job, and in need of a change of environment to become useful and productive citizens-these are the young people who come to Job Corps. Six of every 10 come from broken homes; 63 percent from homes where the head of the household was unemployed; 60 percent live in substandard housing; 64 percent have been asked to leave school; 80 percent have not seen a doctor or dentist in 10 years. Only about 60 percent ever helcj a job, full or part-time, and their average annual salary was $639. More than half of the male recruits of draft age are unfit for military serv.ice for educational or health reasons. A youngster entering Job Corps has a reading and math ability of about fifth grade, on the average, even though he or she has completed nine years of school. More than 30 percent of new enrollees cannot read or write. Most enrollees have never slept between sheets, never shared a bedroom with only one other. Some have never had electric lights. Almost all have developed an acute resistance to conventional schooling. For every 10 months spent in Job Corps, the average youngster gains one and one-half grade levels in reading, and almost two grade levels in mathematics. Similar gains are made in vocational training. Job Corps members grow accustomed to early rising, to regular hours, to daily exercise and sports. They learn how to get along with all kinds of people- both in Job Corps, and outside. They develop good work habits and a new sense of responsibility . They find direction, a "way to go." Job Corps is the Office of Economic Opportunity's voluntary program of human renewal and work readiness . To accomplish its purpose, Job Corps seeks to compensate youngsters for a childhood spent in social , economic, and educational deprivation . Job Corps teaches basic reading and mathematics skills to youth who cannot read a simple sentence or solve a second-grade arithmetic problem . Job Corps offers guidance to young men and women who generally have come from broken homes, with little in the way of adult supervision or control. Job Corps offers medical and dental care for its members- the majority of whom have had no previous contact with a doctor or dentist. Job Corps teaches vocational and employment skills to youth who not only have never held jobs, but who also lack the ability to find jobs. Job Corps teaches the importance of respect and responsibility to youth who have become bitter and hostile as a result of their deprivation. Job Corps shows young people that differences and problems are better resolved by democratic processes than by violence. Job Corps provides the alternative of productive and responsible citizenship for thousands who might otherwise have· known continued poverty , illiteracy , unemployment, and delinquency. program what happens in Job Corps? where do they go from Job Corps? In its first three years, Job Corps has touched the lives of 165,000 young people . Otthe 124,000 who have gone through the program , 70 percent are making constructive use of the education and training they received in Job Corps. Over 69,000 have taken jobs, earning an average of $1.70 an hour; 10,600 have gone back to school or on to college; and 8,800 are serving in the armed forces . Among the present employers of Job Corps trainees are Campbell Soup, Western Electric, Chrysler, Ford, Avco, Lockheed , Sears, Honeywell , General Electric, Liberty Mutual, United Air Lines, DuPont, Cessna Aircraft, Continental Baking, Safeway, Burroughs, IBM, ITT, Consolidated Edison, AMPEX, General Motors, Uni-Royal. These paintings are by-products of what many consider the most significant function of Job Corps : setting free the individual's basic ability to learn . They are by Corps members from all over the country, young men and women training for many different kinds of jobs. To become independent and responsible citizens in today's society , Corps members must first learn to understand and appreciate themselves and the world about them . In Job Corps they have this chance through a broad spectrum of learning experiences, including art. An elective activity, Job Corps' art program has helped develop bright new confidence in thousands of young people by giving them their first sense of accomplishment. This exhibition is tangible proof of what can happen when creative and learning capabilities are unlocked . Sixteen of the private organizations which operate Job Corps centers under contract to OEO have made this ~xhibition possible. They are: Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Avco Corporation Brunswick Corporation Burroughs Corporation Delta Education Corporation General Learning Corporation International Business Machines Corporation International Telephone & Telegraph c·orporatlon Northern Natural Gas Company Packard Bell Electronics Corporation Philco-Ford Corporation Radio Corporation of America Training Corporation of America U. s. Industries, Inc. Westinghouse Electric Corporation Xerox Corporation �contributions to the nation Even while training, Job Corpsmen are contributing to national betterment. In improving the Nation's forests, parks, and grasslands, they have performed conservation work worth $38,000,000 to the Nation. Corpsmen have built and maintained 4900 miles of roads, thousands of picnic tables, fireplaces and parking spaces. They have developed and improved 76 miles of fishing streams and 16,500 acres of fish and wildlife habitat. They have planted 15,900 acres of trees and shrubs, and improved and reforested 12,800 acres of timber. Forty-four young men at a Job Co,ps center near Oakland, Calif., all found Jobs in the same company last week-as U.S. Army paratroopers. T he 44, nearly all from poor f amilies, volunteered as a unit, and have been assigned to a special platoon at Fort Lewis, W ash.,jor basic training. Probably because of their stint at the Job Corps center, they averaged several points higher than the norm on the induction test. W ithout that added education, said R ecruiting Sergeant Darryl Adkins-himself a veteran paratrooper- only one out of four might have qualified for the airborne elite. -from T I M E, November 3, 1967 In time of disaster and danger, Corpsmen have labored around the clock - fighting fires, restoring flood-damaged areas, assisting in tornado clean up, and conducting search and rescue missions. service to lo~al communities Corpsmen and women also volunteer their leisure time and services in dozens of projects that benefit their host communities. They work with the handicapped, sponsor Little League baseball teams, donate evening time at homes for the aged. Some work with retarded youngsters, others shop for elderly people of the neighborhood. Several women's centers operate nursery schools for local children. Corps members paint ambulances and community recreation centers, construct wheelchair tables for paraplegics at veterans hospitals, build furniture for youngsters enrolled in Head Start,-collect and repair toys for needy children. All Job Corps centers contribute to such public causes as the March of Dimes, the American Red Cross, United Fund, the Muscular Dystrophy Association , United Cerebral Palsy, the Salvation Army. contribution to public education What Job Corps has learned about educating the school dropout is being applied in public school systems across the Nation, with the aim of helping to keep troubled youngsters in school as long as possible. I have virited over 25 Job Corps Centers and know the tremendous value this program is to the under-privileged y outh of our_country. I would like to personally help make this, their "last chance," a success. - Archie M oore, former boxing champion The interchange of teaching methods and materials between Job Corps and the public schools began in the summer of 1966, when 21 teachers from Seattle, Simi Valley(a Los Angeles suburb), Detroit, and Washington, D.C., took up year-long posts as staff members in four Job Corps conservation centers. At year-end, the teachers returned to their school systems to introduce Job Corps methods -and materials in-local classrooms. During the 1967-68 school year, 17 teachers from 11 urban school systems are teaching and learning in Job Corps centers. how to help a Job Corps trainee get a job If you are interested in employing a young man or woman trained by Job Corps, or if you want to help one of these young people find a job_and hold on to it- wnte or call one of the seven Job Corps Regional Offices : Office of Economic Opportunity Great Lakes Region 623 South Wabash Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60605 Telephone : (312) 353-4775 Office of Economic Opportunity Southeast Region 730 Peachtree Street , N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30308 Telephone: (404) 526-3178 continued 6. Canyon/ I NEZ CLAY/ Justice, West Virginia/Vocation : Retail Sales 7. Nature Print/NANCY CLAY/ Justice, West Virginia/ Vocation : Retail Sales 8. Purple Fish/ JAMES CRAWFORD/ Leavenworth. Kansas Vocation: Food Preparation and Service 9. Abstract/ ALMA DANIELS/ Seattle, Washington/Vocation : Data Processing 10. Landscape/ ROBERT DAVIS/ Baltimore, Maryland Vocation : Auto Mechanics 11. Daughter of the Sun/ BARBARA DEAN/ Newark, New Jersey Vocation: Clerical Skills 12. Landscape/ RICHARD DUNBAR/ Springfield, Ohio/ Vocation: Clerical Skills 13. Girl with Long Hair~ Maurice Dupont/ Seattle, Washington 14. Untitled Vocation: Photography 15. Abstract/ RAUL ES REMERA/ San Juan. Puerto Rico Vocation : Food Preparation and Service 16. Brothers/ GEORGE FINK/ Kirkland , Washington/ Vocation : Art . 17. Still Life/ PAUL FLOYD/ Decatur, Alabama/ Vocation: Electronics 18. Nature Print l JOH NETT A FORREST/ Baltimore, Maryland . . 19. Nature Print I Vocation: Secretarial 20. Free Form/ RHONDA K. FRAME/ Birch River, West Virgi nia Vocation: Retai I Sales 21. Still Life/ EDDY FRI ZZELL/ Kansas City, Missouri/Vocation : Auto Mechanics 22. Still Life/ ROSS FRYE/ Washington, D.C./Vocat1on : Data Processing . 23. Abstract/ MAX GARCIA/ Colorado Springs, Colorado/ Vocation: Surveying 24. Untitled/ BETTY HALTON/ Chicago, Illinois/ Vocation : Offset Pnntmg . 25. Untitled/ JAMES KENNEDY/ Berkeley, California/ Vocation: Clerical Skills 26. Abstract/LESLEY LAREAU/ Haleiwa, Hawaii/Vocation : Cleri"cal Skills 27. Guitar Player/ ROBERT LI NDSEY/ Birmingham, Alabama Vocation: Auto Mechanics 28. Prehistoric Birds/ PAUL McCASKILL/ Perrine, Florida/Vocation: A_rt 29. Untitled/ JAMES PARKS/ Bluff City, Tennessee/Vocation: Electronics 30. Sand Casting/ LOUISE PAUL/ Williamsburg, Kentucky Vocation: Nursing Assistant �Office of Economic Opportunity Mid-Atlantic Region 1832 M Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20506 Telephone: (202) 382-1235 Office of Economic Opportunity Northeast Region 72 West 45th Street New York, New York 10036 Telephone : (212) 573-6388 Office of Economic Opportunity Southwest Region 314 West Eleventh Street Austin, Texas 78701 Telephone : (512) GR 6-6411, Ext. 6384 Office of Economic Opportunity North Central Region 215 West Pershing Road Kansas City, Missouri 64108 Telephone : (816) 374-3661 Office of Economic Opportunity Western Region 100 McAI lister Street San Francisco, California 94102 Telephone : (415) 556-8844 The W eber B asi,z and Clearfield Centers have expressed a willingness to be of assista,zce a,zd to participate in community events. L ast T hanksgiving there were more invitations to the boys than there were boys to accept. - Preside nt, Greater O gden (Uta h ) C ha mber of Commerce I could have my Ph.D. , and it wouldn' t mean as much to me as - R esiden t worker in a J ob Corps Center two months here. 31. Abstract/VELM A POWELL/ Detroit, Michigan/ Vocation: Secretarial 32. Ink Print/PAULETTE PRENTICE/ Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Vocation: Data Processing 33. Christmas/BILLY ROBINSON/ Little Rock, Arkansas/ Vocation: Electronics 34. Slums/ EDWARD SANTIAGO/ New York, New York Vocation: Medical Assistant 35. Felt Design/ JOE ANN SHORT/ Phoenix, Arizona/ Vocation : Cosmetology 36. Abstract/BILLY SMITH/ Berkeley, California/Vocation : Clerical Skills 37. Pharaoh/ RI CARDO THOMAS/ Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Vocation: Clerical Skills 38. Free Form/ JEANETTE TODD/ Atlanta, Georgia/ Vocation: Clerical Skills 39. Untitled I CLIFFORD van MILLER/ Wilmington , Delaware 40. Untitled I Vocation: Art 41. Collage/ JOHN WALULI K/ Hollywood, California/ Vocation : Auto Mechanics 42: Dolmens/ JAMES WOOLFORK/ New Brunswick, New Jersey Vocation : Clerical Skills 43. Untitled/ CLASS PROJECT/ Parks Job Corps Center Pleasanton, California �