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MACHEALTH Minutes The December 11, 1969 meeting of MACHealth was held in the Planned Parenthood Board Room, 1st Floor, Glenn Building, after last-minute cancellation of Room 619. Those present: Members Alternates Staff Mr. Linwood Be ck Hon Wm. H. Breen, Jr. ~ev. E. B. Broughton Mr. Jack Cofer Mr. Gary Cutini Mr. Drew Fuller Mr. James Gardner Mrs. Henry Mae Glenn Mrs . Mandy Griggs Dr. Quillian Hamby Miss Sue Jockers Mrs. Linden Johnson Mrs. Evangeline Lane Mrs. Gladys Lovett Mr . Wi lliam Pinkston,Jr. Mr~. Ruth Robinson Mr. Nelson Severinghaus Dr. Luther Vinton Mr . Lyndon A. Wade Dr. Robert E. Wells Dr. Luther Fortson Mr. Flay W. Sellers Mr. Bill Thompson Mr. A. B. Padgett Mrs. Merle Lott, R. N. Mr, Henry Montfort Dr. Raphael B. Levine Mr. A. F. Branton Mrs. Harriet Bush Miss Rebecca Dinkel Mr. Frank A. Smith Mrs. Gayle Matson Mrs. Lou Ashton Mrs. Harriet Bush passed out questionnaire s pertaining to Public Health and asked that they be filled in and ret urned to her. Mr. A. B, Padgett reported results of site team visit of December 2. He said that there had been a rather lengthy visit with the site team, 9:00 A. M. - 1: 00 P. M. The team had many questions. Mr. Padgett said that friends had reported that the team seemed favorably impressed with the answers to questions they raised and there was no apparent reason why they would not go ahead with their recommendations for funding at the January 26 meeting. This, of course, means that there will be no funding January las was hoped and it will necessitate shifting some items on the timetable. Mr. Padgett called on Dr. Levine for an explanation of what this means. Dr. Levine added that the site team did not at any time appear antagonistic. Thay had legitimate questions and wanted answers and were determined to probe until they got the answers. He said that he thought the group was satisfied that MACHealth was the right kind or organization in regard to MACLOG and CCAA. Dr. Levine said he felt that they were convinced that the systems approach was an excellent way for the council to have more information, therefore, decision would be somewhat easier to arrive at in this way rather than using the current standard techniques of attacking one problem at a time �Page 2 - Minutes and ignoring the interrelationshipr. of the problems. Mr. Padgett added that people on the council will have an opportunity to have explained to them any questions that they may have regarding the systems approach which they do not understand clearly. Dr. Levine discussed the impact of the delay in funding. He pointed out the fact that there were a number of things which needed attention now and there was no money with which to engage additional staff an~ this ·would necessitate going ahead with inadequate manpower in many instanc~s until April 1 at which time MACHealth should become an agency on its own. At the recommendation of the Regional Health Advisory Committee, MACHealth applied for an extension grant to continue in the organizational phase for an additional three to six months. Under this grant, urgent items can be done. Dr. Levine mentioned the need for bringing a facilities review committee into existence by February. Dr. Levine introduced the new organization liaison planner, Miss Rebecca Dinkel, and reported that she was doing an excellent job. Dr.Levine also reported the illness of Mrs.Loretta Barnes, Secretary pro tern, and told the group that Mrs. Barnes expected to leave the hospital about December 12. Dr. Levine asked the Nominating Committeee and the Council to begin thinking of logical candidates for the permanent offices: president, 5 vice presidents, and secretary. He point ed out the need for a slate to be presented before the end of December. He also said there could be nominations from the floor at the meeting in January. He said the nominating committee would be glad to hear from any individual on MACHealth who might have a logical nominee in mind for one or more of the offices. Mr.Padgett stated that the Community Council has been looked to by State Department of Public Health as a review agency for requests for federal funding and federal approval. He said that the Board of Directors of the Community Council agreed to turn this responsibility over to MACHealth as soon as we are ready . Nelson Severinghaus moved that MACHealth accept that responsibility as soon as possible. The motion passed unanimously. Dr. Levine added that any person who would like to be on this committee should mention it to the Chairman pro tern. He also pointed out that a mental health committee needs to be set up qui te soon . He urged members to participate diligently in committee work. Dr. Levine brought t he group up to date on the matter of Cobb County, the misund e rstanding through the press, etc. He stated that MACHealth is the official agency for review of all health projects involving federal government and it would redound to Cobb County's benefit to be a member in good standing of MACHealth. The council will be giving a good deal of technical assistance which will be made available to participating members, but cannot be made available to non-participating members. �Page 3 - Minutes Cobb County's holding out, said Dr, Levine, will probably mean about a 10% cut in the budget, with some reduction in staff. Dr. Levine says that he feels sure that Cobb will come in eventaully. He said that there is a commitment in the budget for 1970 from all counties except Cobb. $149,000 must be raised locally to match federal funds. Counties have committed just under $100,000. It is hoped that $37,000 can be raised from private sources such as foundations, and $112,000 f.rom . .ccimties..·.Dr.. ;: .·Levine · said -that even if Cobb decides not to come in, it is expected that participation from other Cobb County agencies will prevent Cobb from being left out of the budgetary picture altogether. Mr. Severinghaus asked if the City of Atlanta was included in the budget; Dr , Levine answered that so far no way had been devised to get city money contributions into the picture. Counties are asked to contribute on a percapita basis, which includes cities within the county, He said that there is no a priori reason why the cities should not be involved. They have an impact on health and receive benefits from health, too. Dr. Levine reported that the MACLOG incorporation was ratified in November. Miss Rebecc~ Dinkel reported her efforts to get through to Cobb County through the Chamber of Commerce. She said that Messrs. Gilbert and Graham had suggested a "cooling off" period, then beginning a new education campaign in Cobb County about MACHealth. 1• Dr. Levine br i efed the group about the work, that the emergency health services task force has been doing. He said that an application for a study is almost ready to be submitted by Georgia Tech. He said that the application must be submitted by December 20 and that the project was very closely coordinated through a task force of MACHealth. The question of local matching money and whose responsibility it will be to raise it was brought up. Dr, Levine reported that several members of the task force had ideas of where the money would come from and prospects for raising the money look good . Mr . Pinkston suggested that the board take no official action on this matter until more is known about funding, etc. Dr.Levine asked if there would be any objections to stating in the applicati on t hat the group expects to stay within the framework of the MA CHea l th guide lines. Mr. Padgett suggested that the applic ation state that the task force is working hand in glove with MACHealth. There were no objections to this statement. Gary Cutini urged that caution be used in endorsing projects in order to avoid duplication and fragmentation. Mr. Padgett agreed that MACHealth's main objective was coordination. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:30 P. M. /ia �