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July 31, 1968 Mr. H owar d N. Mant el As s istant D irect or Institute of P ublic Administration 55 W e s t 44th St r e et New York. New Yo:rk 100 36 Dea r Mr. M antel: In reply t o you r l etter of July 1, the following information i s submitted: 1. We made the following expenditu l'es t o EOA: 1966 1967 1968 $ 60~000 75, 000 100,000 z. We p rticipat in a Neighborhood Youth Corp Progtam a s a del egat or sub• gency of EOA who administers the ovel'all progr m . No ca h pp.l'opriation is made for this purpos . The City ' s t ot 1 contribution ls rn- de up of supervisory time. 3. W participate in th- Atl nta Concentrated Employm nt Progr m (ACEP) so s . sub .. gency to EOA. The City ' s eontrlbution to this progr mi also supervisoty 'time , not c · sh. I m enclosing copy of th stlmati d co t of th total sum.mer pttogr with th ou c of lunds indlc t d. A s noted,. the EOA grant t 325,.000 out of a ~ t al co t 0£ $1,826,469. �Mr . Mantel Page Two July 31 , 1968 The City•s ability to pick up a greater share 01 funding of Federal progi-ams is extremely limited at this time . As you probably know, our b sic source of .-evenue in the City of Atlanta is ad valorum tax and we have be n unable to obtain State l gielation which would enable us to levy a aalee tax or income tax. Sincerely youys, 1-v n Allen, J,: . Mayor IAJr1fy �