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September 4 , 1968 MEMORANDUM To: Mayor Ivan Allen. Jr . From; Dan Sweat Attached is a memorandum f:rom Jim Parha.zn outlining the cutback in Federal funds for our training prog:rams . We have been in contact with Bill Norwood., Regional Manpower Administrator,, and he has no objection to our contc;1.cting Stanley R othe·nburg, the Manpower Administrator !or W illard Wirtz . The;re is a pretty good indication that some big city mayors have called Rothenbuirg about cutbacks in their programs and have gotten favorable ,:esults . Jim and I feel that it would be very helpful if you would telephone Rothenbarg and express your concern that the one million dollar cutback will seriously affect the City 's ability to maint in our momentum in cutting down on hard - core unemployment. If you · lk to him it. might lso b helpful to tell him your suppoi-t Sam Caldwell's 'i'equest £011 the Labor Department to waive free~ which h e existed on conducting power sewing m chine training courses. Ther is · giteat d mand for powe~ sewing ma.chin operators in the Atlanta i--e nd Caldwell has been att mpting to get th ban liit"ed on tr . ining people !o~ this employment. H ·nd R oth nburg i- - pretty good fri .nda and lt migh be another plus U we support Sam ln thi :reg · rd. Seer· t ry R othenbus-g's numbet' ls 202 .. 961 ... 5464. er - t ry i Mi& J;;ul M. Bul'ton. His p i,sonal �