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t.tlant.a, Georgia

.u9u t :a:l . 1968 Rem rkas t ..iug rria Mr. (Mr. Harrie ov • to l etern, following cloa of hi i~trod ction by Mr.Ono at of tb M yor•s office) I ple • d to h for l r our buain aa. and busin as nationally pr i d rabip in a new, pr i•ing v of gover111nent n4 bu.sin se. exhibit, I beli • Atl nt ~ure combining the r sou~c • citi 11th t f the gre t h el ct d for this ili ity with th of the great et r eorda ot progresa in solving a .nd an probl Of d th The pr bl is th•~ cl hope for auec •• in thia th their eke v uea Thia •. hibit 1• ff t re u•t ely artietio t, ia •art to l • • t. r iv ua ti mfr • 1 ard thruat end th i Aller nd • •pirationa -- ic di• lay. otogr le. • • t • t. ctoc ea t •• of re • the ly 1 • of th n , 1• Job Cor ic re-port of p~ogre•• 9ra , !or d it•• only uaine ing created though tr ininq to au 1>0rt th d, an• to thie g The not •imply eother in orld ti l to ·11t t in • MO �Page 2 Cuggasted Romarluu (Continu~) Job corps ha · a ory tot ll. n doing poaitiv 11'1 country which ar .r and th · Mr. Arthur Harri ~ ar things. two vet problem r cogniz d in n, and more and more citizena, conce1-n d with th Job corpa ia on concmic Op f\lt\lr n e •citing confront' )g ur v ry O?in,ion poll -- th g i.nat pov rty. war It has The Job Corpa r b c Vi t N. ing incr ingly aecond -- poverty_ of th rtunity. jor national progr It' s of th of Offic goal is to h ult the poverty cycl of gene.rations. which is proving ao eo t.ly to thie country. Job corp• ie d dieted to tr ining •tot lly failed~ 16 t old a long with bu in and eatabliehin9 th in •ooiety as product.iv, t J< 21 y ar p ying citiz na. Thia ia truly a th new deign neloua e hibit. oet int rat You will nd gr phic t chniquea nn4 the a tor pr• nt.ing info emii.bit in Atlant ha tion. • , th evic • Job Co.r.-p• bua'n e -lik, good citicenabip point th~ ia vit•l to all of u. role in brin in9 th.1 A you "ill ao io-visu l scripto 1• indeed proud to play xbibit to tlant. in �.L Page 3 Remarks by Mr. Harris - (Continued) Gentlemen (to those on platform) thank you very much for the important roles you have taken in this Atlanta Exhibition. Before closing, may I introduce one, very special and attractive guest. She is the feminine touch for this parade of men. Miss Betty Patterson represents a spectacular, Job Corps success story. She is a native of Macon, Georgia~ as her publicity throughout Atlanta has noted, and her Job Corps training led to a glamorous career as a United Air Lines stewardess. I know you will want to meet her during the evening. Betty, will you please stand. It is my pleasure to invite the audience, officially and personally, now to enjoy the opening of the 1968 Job Corps Exhibition, nA CHANCE TO BE SOMEBODY•, and express my hope that the entire city will be our guest and the First National 1 s guest to visit the display many times during it's Atlanta stay. (Official party exits platform) Thank you! �