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FROM: James E. Moore RUDER & FINN INCORPORATED 2015 Bank of Georgia Bldg. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 404 - 577-1600 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MAYOR ALLEN PROCLAIMS JOB CORPS WEEKS Proclamation Ceremony Opens Job Corps Exhibition in First National Bank Building Lobby Atlanta, Aug. 23 --- Mayor Ivan Allen has proclaimed August 23 to September 6 as 11 Job Corps Weeks 11 in Atlanta. The official proclamation was presented at 6:00 P.M. on Thursday, August 22, at the First National Bank Building lobby during the preview of a national multimedia exhibition about Job Corps entitled 11 A Chance to be Somebody. 1 1 Citing Job Corps as program 11 which 11 11 an integral and vital part of the national antipoverty has provided a real service to the people of this country and the people of Atlanta 11 , the Mayor urges all citizens 11 to support the commendable work of the Job Corps. 11 The proclamation also refers to the exhibition and its sponsorship by 16 leading industrial and educational organizations. Job Corps, a program of the Office of Economic Opportunity, offers basic education, job training and opportunities for personal development to 16 to 22 year olds who are undereducated, underprivileged, underemployed or unemployed. Enrollment is voluntary, and residence in Job Corps Centers an important feature . The Job Corps story is told in 11 A Chance to be Somedody 11 through photos, audio tapes, film and original paintings by Corps members . Atlanta is made possible by Scripto, Inc . The showing in It opens on August 23 in the lobby of the First National Bank Building to run through September 6. free .

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