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r ' . .. , ,I'~,' ,./'.,. ~ 1: y _8 1 J a nuary 30, 196 7 CITY H ALL ATLANTA, GA. 30303 Tel. 522·4463 Arca Code 404 IVAN ALLEN, JR., MAYOR R. EARL LANDERS, Administrative Ass istant MRS. ANN M. MOSES, Executive Secretary DAN E. SWEAT, JR. , Director of Governmental Liaison MEMORANDUM To : Mr. W i lliam R. Wofford ' ., ', Fr o m: Iva n Alle n ·, Jr. S ubj e ct: Hous i ng Code Enforc ement - Boul evard As you r e c a ll, l as t S e pte mber the sho oti ng o f two N eg ro you t hs by a whi te man on B oule vard touched off seve ral d a ys of serious disorders i n that area from F orrest Av e nue t o P once de Leon Av e n u e . Although t h e disorders we r e proj e cted by the shooting incident, conditi on s in the area we re such that the pos sibility o f such an explosion o c curring h a d b een present for some t i me. The main problems pointed out by r - sidents of the ar a were primarily cent e r e d around housing conditions including over crowd edness, hi gh rents , roaches and r ats, and other sanitation factors. Sinc e t he September incident we have made some pro gress towar d better garbage and trash collection, enforcement of health meas ur es, and elimination o f major criti cisms in the area of traffic safety. There has also been m u ch planning in the area of providing fo r recreational prog rams. However, the major problem still existing is one which can only be solv ed by strict enforcement of the Housing Co e . Therefore, �Mr. Wofford P age Two January 30, 1967 I arn r e questing that your department immediately initiate comprehensive Housing Codes.inspection s a lon g both sides of Boulevard fron1. Forr es t Avenue to Ponc e de Leon and that property owners by required to comply with th e City 1 s codes. You may be assured of full coope r ation of my office, the Housing Authority, EOA and other agencies concerned with elimination of unfit housing conditions and relocation of .residents into standard dwellings. Ple as e inform me as to how soon you can initiate inspections along this street and the anticipated l e ngth of time which will be required to complete such code enforcement. IAJr:fy �