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• January 13, 1967 Mr . Al Kuettner 675 Sherwood Road, N. E . Atlanta, Georgia 30324 Dear Al: Mayor Allen has asked me to answer yo\U" letteT of January 4 regarding grants which have been made to the City which would be of concern to the Cornmimity Relations Commission. I have been out of town and I am sorry that you~ letter has not been answered sooner . The only c\U'rent grant that I ~ow o! which might be of intei-eet to you would be the $23 , 000 gr nt from the Stern Family Fund. Attach dis a copy of the announcement put out by the Stern Family Fund which I think explains the intent of the gt nt. We have employed Johnny Robinson to direct this demonstration ptoject and Johnny is now located in Room 1204 in City Hall . in the process of completing a comprehensive outline of the project from the execution standpoint and I will make this available to you in th next few days . We ar Please call me if you need any further inform tion . Sincerely yours. Dan Sweat DS,fy �