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January 13, 1967 M:r . Sydney Wi rsdorfer Program Devel opment and Evaluation Speciali t Community Action Program Committee 1209 Li!e 0£ America Building Fort Worth, Texa 76102 De r Mr. Wirsdor.£er: The Mayor and Board of Aldermen of the City of Atlanta have rec ntly authoriz d the establishment of C ommunity Relations Commission. Thi Commi sion i in the formation tage at the present tim and it will be a few more weeks before we will be abl to answer th queatlon in your January 5 letter in detail . The City has appropriated $30 , 000 for the e tablishm.ent nd opelt'a.tion of the Commi sion. dudng the c\U':r nt y ar . However, the development of det il staffing plans h not b en completed at the pre ent time . We wUl be gl d to funu. h you with the e oon they ha.v b en completed. The Conuni sion is ere tion of the Mayor and Board of Alderinen and ia compo ed of tw nty member :tecomm.ended by an ad hoc ~om.mitt e e tablbh d by the Alderman.l e Bo rd. This committe w • composed of Aldei- -n and a cros section of citi~ens . Th M yor made th ppointments. Tb r is no direct 1"elatlon hip to th loc comm.unity ctlon goncy, Economic Opportunity Atlanta, In<:. How ver, I m sur th t the Commia ion b gins to function v ry close rel tion•hlp will be e t bU. hed .. I will forward your letter to th C ommieslon o t t whenev r �Mr. Wirsdorfer Page Two January 13, 1967 an Executiv Director i · employed copi projects may be forw rd d to you. oj r ports and Sincerely your , Iv n Allen, Jr. M yor IA1r:ly ctivity �