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- /4 (/4, t}/C ? • -)-·cc·-~, ~ (L.,/ -e-.cc~ L -- . Pol ic y ,2~ _cl P r ocedl.,re: Guide - J a:1.Uary 1, I. 1967 Goals : i . r:2:xh,c:1 effo ts i ,,:ecli2.tely to se cure r:.,,~)l ic u1<.rk ,~st,::md i.n2" of t ,c goc.ls bc nc ~its of the P.ous ing Code Co~?li2.nce P:cog r aill throu ~h use oi ~e rs on2.l co n tact, pamphle ts, pre ss r elease s and other public infor~atio~

~:e di

i3 , 1-:.::.ximum c co r d inc.tion i rr.med i ateiy wit h all other publi c agenc:.. s w ,o ,-::..11 be aff e c ... ed by, and need to assist in , t he conduct al-d :t:esults oft ~ :.. s prog _ 21:.1 . C, Conscrvuti,Yl 0£ t :r n se resid ntial stru ctures in good cond iti on to p:cc ve. t t'1e S?rcad of blight and dec ay through encourag er,:en of 2aint nance -2:::::)~::s and protection Lrom those co ditions such as overc r wd i ng an unautho_iz ed conversion wh ich le a d to blight. D. R2~_bili tation of all substandard reside~ti al structures wh ich are p=c£23tl y unsuitable for human habitation but where i mprovc::mcnts c a n be __ac.e .s.-: ... z-e asonablc c ost to b ring t hem up t o standard a:--.d where u c h :..e· c:b i li~:::t:'..o _ does no t co nf lict with othe r c orr,nunity goals by 1971. E. .:)"n,olition within the City limits of Ltl.:mta of all residential st·.c1..:c-:.::..::-cs wh ic~:. .:.re u nf it for human h abitation end where rchub ilitatior. ,w;_ild "_,_::_ prohi::iit ively expensive or would ot herw ise co nflict ,-:i ith othc·: co::n::.:::..·.:::: ~oals by 1971 . F. P.cvi0-1 -'.lncl __ ,., - ,,v.-:tlu,.,t. i.oa beginnin~ in 1967 on a continuing b;:sis _of -::~ ,:,, __ �2 -er~iu t eir need fo r poss~b ~c fu tu= - ~ys tcmat ic r c i ni t i.:::.~ic~ o1 to a l rehab i litation e f iorc. 1- o !',.re o.:; "'n · ? rioritics : ':'ne Em.:.si 3 Cond .:..tions :tv:ap ref C!ctinz t he: su r vey r.·.ade in l S'63 ~-:.::.s b::::::.-:. In this ~~vis ion , c:0s 2n t r.e Direct or o..: Governr,1ent.:::.l Lio_i son. inproved plan :for a c i t y - wide, Cornpli.::.~ce Program. The basic coor ina tion h2s ~ac~ Tl,is has res\..:lte:d in a:.·_ ystemo.tic , comp~ehe:1sive !lousir.g Cod~ ~2ry o~ he revised surv -y i n ice ·-cs o~ .... bloc:'- bas i s t he following catc:;o::-ie:s . 1. Crn ·crvation (A~eas which princi9.:::.lly require e i her no i~provc=c~t~ or only mi nor i mp roven;ents with occasional re:1abilitatio:.1.). 2. I ut:ensive Conservation (tho.;;e .'.lrec:s w .i ch becaus e of cert ain :cac-:;o::-s such as age , transitio n in occupa:1cy or use , or c:.dve _se fringe iniluenccs, etc . , require a great e r &!Uount of su:;_veillar-ce in o_cc::to forest.:::.11 bl i ght and dec ay. These areas will nonw.lly require only minor improvements nnd spot rehabilitation) . 3. Rcr..c.b ilitaL .on (those areus in wh :!..ch the r.i.::J.jority of s ructurc s rc.c,_u ire rehabilitation which does not exceed 50 percent of thci:.:v~ ue; soffi 4. spot clearance is an icipated). Clccranc e - Code Enforce~ent t ~~ predo~ i nately s malle ::- a re a s where .~jority of structu=es should b e clea r 2d an' the area rcdc- v eloped. It is anticipa ted th3t these a reas would be cle a::-8 2 1- -- - �hazards · an 5. ... ~ t o protec t the ~~alth acd safe y of ~esidcnts i CJ.ca:c a ::cc - Ti:-:l e I U:.:b 2 :1 ~::-.:ual tl10 ::;e , areas :i.n ,-,hie· t.:c r:.a~c:.:- it ~· of structu r e s shoul~ be a~~ol istcd , with soEe rch 2b iliL atio n, w~ere .,_ ~ J.. _._:. &~G le size and cos _ of tle c o~t Epl.::.ted action jusLi~ie:s t ~e: use of 7itle I fcde _al funcs) . B. T~e T:,::·, &lso shm.; s divis i on of ~he ci ·cy into h&lves, fo:;.-- su:,e: _visor sc h~lves is sub - divide re ponsibil i ty; eac h of

nto fi v· S cto:.:-3.

Each of t esc Sectors i s assi g;::-i.ed to a Eousing Code Inspector, .::.s ' .i s rea o f individual respons i bility. Ca T1e m· p also has on i t reas oi various sizes outlined showing neighborhood designation wit h numb - rs r.::. g in3 from areas indicate where a 1 d when a, 1 65 to i n cns ive progr.::.m of 1 h 69. '.::'i1ese: ys t c: .a~ ic · OciS:'.. .,_; code comp liance is to be undertaken on a house to 1"'.ouse b s is. The: cnrge t d2te assigned to a particul ar area indicate s its relative p ri 0rity . Those with a high priority hav2 an e~rly <laLe; those wit h a lover prio _ic y, u l ate: r date. Prio::it ies :for the are.:.s luve been bo.scd on: 1. Tl,e nureber of compl i ance i nspec'.:ions uhich the Ho-:.is i r-.g Co 0 civ::...:.::..o:-, c2n undertake in o ne yeo.:.:-, 1:1h ile maintc..inin;; ful 1 city-wide covc::-~::, tc:. 2a ~h~ relationship of rehabilitation areas to surroundin~ o:.:- co,.:1.-:J.nity a c-iviti es , community :.::..icility developn:ent 0.1. ~ ~~er ~ ~, T::..~lc I L::";)~n ::lenewal Pr ojects. 3 . - .i.,-u . �cone i·i: io,-..s ...., .,,. r •. \..,,...-. ,._.;...... - .. ,_" ·'- - .: by 197 1. s. ~cvisions \;:.ll Oc. r oc cu - . D. -- -- -.· ...;·-·. -- i -~ .:::.::cas i i."J. L fl~ "- -' T:.is · ter:-, ::--c:·1:t·csc~1ts t :.--"2 fi:::-st stc:p in the c b;:::::,-..ov2:c ~-.:c-::. ?ropos c· Co:::1. unit y Fac ili y Loc a ions: co:.r:nunit' facili :.. ics and hif;i".,-7.:1ys (e:::clus::.ve of urban rer:ew.::.l :)ro~ec.:c:) in the Ci·cy of A lanta . The loc.s.tions :1.:1v2 bee . ir:dexed and color c:::C:.cc ~o iden ify the~ and to i.dica III. t he a3e:1cy responsible for t i,ei:t e::: 0r'!.'.l,1:i.zc.t:.on and /.d:-:cinist1· ation A. Organization and Personnel for r·ousing Code Compliance, Depart~snt 0£ Bu ilding s 1. Supervisor of Inspection Services 2. Personnel, Housing Code Divisiou <.... Chief Insp ·ctor (1) b. Field Superviso~s (2) c. Eousing Code Sector Inspectors (10) c:.. Housing Code Inspectors General (6) e. Eou~ir::; Code Inspector II (1) Cor~plir,::ce Officer) Concentration ~::-ca~ sp8Ctors 4 assigned to Cedes 10) c~.:::.0:1. �z. 3. Clc=ical Pe rsonnel (8)

,e:l o.tcd Pc:i..·so,mc.;l

Reho.b il it:::.'.: ion Sp2c ial is b. 3. Code s Coffipiia:1ce O£ficc_ (1) ( 'l.)\ Dut i es and Responsibil::.t ~ s : 1. Su?erv i sor of I nspection ~e~viccs . for:-ns of c od enfo r c er..cnt sue. z,s plu"·.": Jin0 .:i.nci build · ;:-,g ,.-1ith prir:mry emphas i s on Hou::;in; Co de Enfor c -ce1 t, inch.1 i n:; coo d ination with other Dep =t~ents . 2. Pcr so~nel , Hous ing Code Divis·on : .:i.. Ch i ef I1spcctor (1) O·er~ll supervision of in3)2C ions , f i eld work and administr.:i.tion. (2) Coordination of relocation effor ts with \.t lanta Housin 6 P.utho it y. (3; Pursuit of resolution of difficult c.:i.ses. (L;.) Direct supervision of cl erical personnel (5) Coordination with Codes Con~p liance Office -; Rehabili ~ation Specialist. (6) Training prograr.1 for new Housing Code Insp ·ctors . (7) Coordination with other D"visions of Dc? artrucnt o~ Buildings. b. Field Supervisors (1) Direct supervision oE fiv e ii..:::pectors and their sectors co~p risin~ one-half(~) o~ th 5 Ci::y. 1 - -, - : - · - - 1,.J / �cf t he ir sclcc~i on ~:-:.:l 0 1, -·1.::! ~..: (1.i) of '.: l1c Ci ty . (5) Ass istencc in rc solu~::.on o ~ d i ff icul c ase • (6) Assistance :n prc9~ratio~ of c ourt c cscs v~en racues::e by Code Cov.pl i c nce Office r . (7) c. Other special du -ics as assigned by Ch i ef Ins pec ~or. Housins Code I nspe ctor II (1) £s si~ned to Codes Cocpliancc Office _ to assist in prc?a=acio~ of c ases for Court . d. Housing Code Sector Ins?ectors: (1) Conduct of Housing Code Conpliance Pro~:::-am in the::.r sac::or . (2) Pri1.:ary responsibility fo:::- resolut:;_on of all cases .::..,_d cornpliants in their secto:rs. (3) P:::-cpare c ases for presentatio~ bcfc=e che J2t::2r ~ousin~ Commission and City Attorney . (4) l..ssist in prepciring courc. cases. (l) Investigate , docun~ent 2.nd 1;repa.,:a ca~cs for ~)rcscr:·c c..:::.0r-, to Cou::::: a nd a )pe:.:r LS i-;ii::-i-.2ss at ti::,c:. for (2) n 0£ tri:1.l (:.::::: .... a In J..... 6 . .' ~ ~ lo 1- : -\. -; ,, ~~• • �f. Intensive Progra~ Eous i n3 Cole I0spect o rs (1) OiJcratc us t c.::.:·: :·c:..':-le:·.c.·!3 (2) Condu ct hoi...si g ~o c cor.,;, l::.a r..ce prograr.: in rehab ilit 2.tio:-. areas according t o sc· cduled priorities . g. Clerical Personnel (1) Process notices, lette~s, records and prepare per~odi2 reports . (2) _eceive telephone calls, prepare lists for Bette r Hous i ~~ Co1r..mission hea_ i ng s, City At orney hearings :ind Cour . (3) h. _ccord minute s of Bet t er Housing Commission m2etin3 s . 'elat ed Personne l (1) Reh bilitation Specia li st (a) Public r e lations--(promo ing good main ena nce and Hous ing Code Enf rc e~ent1 (b) (2) I nspection of a pa rt ment deve l opments (30 uni ts anci. ,.:p) . Codes Compliance Off icer (a) Respons i bl f or pre paration and conduct (includin~ atte ndance i n Court) of Housing Co~e Cour L c ases t1ith a s sis tance from Housi .~ Code Inspec t o r s and Supervisory Personnelo (b ) Advis e s Housing Code Divis ion on requ i reIJents for pro se cut i on of cases in court , appro riatcness of spec ific c ases f or Court ac ion and prcparetion of cha r ges. 7 l-l-61 �(c) Pre)ares Court cal e~dar~ and repo ts on re su~ts o~ Housing Code Court hearin6 s. C. i·otices ;ind Follow- up Action Insp2c ors will use standa r d met o·s a guide for their proc essin; of cases. in D. h n· prescribed tiffie int ervals ~s Written procedure i s o~ f:lc Housing Code Division . Coordina t i on 1. Rcloca ·ion : I nspe ctors will fi 1 out slips (o n Afl...1-\. standard fon:i) t o be signed ad forwarded by the Chief Insp ctor to the Housing Authority f or reloca · ion a ss i stance to t he fan il ies thre a tened · with displ ace~ect by Hous ing Code Enforce ent , suc h as placarding occupied units, when a · irective is issued to reduce t he nu ber of occupants and/or i.;ni · s, when demo lit ion is 2.


inent, and for other reasons . Commun i ty Facilities Chief Inspector will consult mp showing locat ion o f proposed and scheduled conn unity facilities ; .-il l de t ermine a genc y r esponsibl · for exe cution; a nd consu lt and coordinate with that agency to d:.:t rmine exact extent and st atus o f project and the appropriate Housing Code Compliance Program for the areas at that time . 3. Public Housing No Hous ing Code Inspections required . (Existing units 887~ ; under const ruction 650 ; planned 1140) . 4. }unicipal Services In conduct of the Housing Code Compliance Program, Inspectors will 8 l-:i.-67 �be a lert for needed i mprovements in mun icip al s ervic es ad ot he r such proble~s . Ned will he record e d and rcie rrc by t~c Chief Inspector to ... : c · p propria te govcrnn;e ntal &g cncy . ? ossi~ le referral a gencies a rc : 1 5. a. Sanitary Depart~cn b. Construction Department c. Traffic & Street Lights Dep arLnent d. Police Department e. '\tater Department f. Fire Depart ment g. Parks Department h. Board of Educ ation i . County Department s of Family and Children Servic es j. County Health Dep artme nts Data Bank The Housing Code Division will particip ate c ontinua lly in furnishin; c ertain types of i nformation, obtained in co nne ction with its normal activities , to be placed in t he data b a nk . E. Complaints All Housing Code corr~laints r e c eived will be recorded on forms provided and investigated within one week and appropriate action initiated i~EC diatcly. F. Written procedure is on file in the Housing Code Division. Handling Unresolved Cas es At t he end of each quarter, Sector Inspectors wi ll thoroughly review their unresolved c ase f iles and deterrnine what positive action should be taken. 9 1-1-67 �Pro c ed'J :::e for hm1dl ing unresolved c ases is on file i n the Hous ::. •.2; Co c IV. ivision. Are a Ho u s i ng Code Comp liance .:\ . olicies Gc.:i.eral: 1. Placard promptly v&can· s ub st andard units and structures considered unfit for occupancy and cause utility services to be discont i nued. 2. Promp tly report to the Better Housing Commission and tote Atlanta Housing Authority Relocation Housing Office (for reloca i on of families) t ose occupied units and structures considered unfit for occupancy . 3. In ord er to keep abreast of c hang ing conditions conducive to deterioration and blight , each Inspe cto r will endeavor to ob serve his e ntire Sector and initiate correct ive a ction as needed . 4. It is anticipated that each Sector Ins pecto r will process a mini mum of 20 new Hous ing Code major i mprovement c ases per calendar month, and comply an equal nunber per month outside of rehabilitat ion areas in which teams are working. Effort should be made where feas ible to keep each Se ctor Inspector's workload of uncompleted active notices to approximately 200 . All Sector Inspectors combined should comply at least 3500 units per year . B. Conservation Areas (See Housing Map): 1. Inspector will encourage maintenance and conserva tion 10 1- 1- 67 . �ve rb al ly whe r e earl y signs of bligh t appear but no val i d code vio lat ion exist s . 2. Hou s i ng Code i nspec t ion to be made primar i ly on a comp l aint b a sis . C. I ntc, s i ve Conserva t i on Ar e a s ( See 1. ous i ng Map ) Hous i ng Code inspe ctions to be made bas e d on a n apparent . e c d . Acc ent to be cons e rvation r athe r than waiting u ntil r ehabilit a c i on i s ne c essary ; Inspe ctor will g ive more a t tent i on to details to di scover a ny significa nt change s conducive t o b l i ght i n t hes area s . 2. Inspe c t or wi l l encourage ma i nt enance and c onse r vation ve r bal ly i-1·,ere e a rly signs of blight app e a r but where no v alid code viola tion e x i sts . 3. These a reas wi ll be close l y exami ned fo~ cons ider a tion as poss i b l e future fede rally ass isted code enfor c ement pro j e cts unde r t he 1964 Ho us i ng Act . D. Rehabilit a tion Ar eas (See Hous i ng Map ) 1. Thes e areas have b een des i gnated according t o pr i ority of need a nd pla ced on a schedu le . 2. ( See Map ) These areas will be intensively c ove red house by house by inspe ctors o f an i nt e nsive prog r am t e.:1ra__( 2 - 4 men) . 3. Conduc t o f Complianc e Pr ogr am a. Al l Housing u n i ts in rehab i litation areas will be inspecte d and ne cessary c omp liance not i ces is s ue d or statement issued that prope rty i s in s~t i sfactory. c ond i tion . 11 1- 1- 67 �b. It is anticipated that t · .r~c large .::-ireas (.'.lpp r o:-:i::.atcly 7000 units) ·· nd t hree small a reas (a!1 nozi1-;-:a tcl:y 1900 unit~ will be cover ed t his y ear (approximat~ tot a l 8900) . Any cases re a ining unresolved a t ~~c enrl o f this year will be assigned to Sector Inspector for . . resolution . c. It is antici pated that each Team Ins pector will make a pprm;:imately 7 new inspections or 7 first follou - up insp ections per day . Li-. Thes e areas will be clo sely exaiuined for considerat i on as poss i ble future federally as s ist e d code enforcement projects under t he 1964 Housing Act. E. Clearance - Code Enfo rcement Areas (See Housing Hap ) 1. 2. Enforce Code only to : a. Pl a card where warra nted and seek demolit ion . b. Correct hazards . c. Redu ce overcrowding . d. Vacate u nf it un its. e. Clean up p r emises. Dis courage rehabilitat io n action in industrially zoned areas, especially in marginal cases . 3. Seek maximum coo rdination with other divisions of Buil ing Department to discourage i mprovements other than to correct hazards of any housing units and structures in areas. 12 1- 1-67 �ClQaranc e - Title I Urb a n ~enewal 1. Proposed and Planni ng Stage Projects (See Housing I'iap) : Enforc e Code onl y to : 2. a. Placard where warrant e d and seek demolition . b. Correct hazards . c. Reduce overcrowd ing . d. Vacate unfit units . e. Clean up premis es . Urban Renewa l Proj e cts in Execu ion (See Housing Map) : a. Issue no notices unles s i nstruc ted otherwise by Ch ief Ins pector (usual l y upon request of Atl ~.:t:~ Hous i ng Authority). G. Comrrillnity Fac ility Loc ations, inc luding Public Housing ( See Comiuunity F· cility Map ) : 1. Scheduled f or cons truction or propert y be ing a cquired a. Chief Insnector will co nsult map showing location of proposed and scheduled c ommunity facilitie s; will determine agency responsib le for execution ; and cons u lt and coordinate with tha t a gency to determine exact extent and status of project and the appropriate Hous ing Code Comp liance Program for t he areas at that time . b, Normally Inspector will issue no notices unless i nstructed othe"rwise by Chief Inspector . 13 1-1- 67 �2. Pla nned - construction anticipated but not schedu l ed a. C ief Inspector will consu lt n,ap showi ng loc a t ion of proposed and schedule d community facilities ; will determine agency responsib le for execution ; a nd consult and coordina te wit h t h at a gency to etermi ne exact extent and s t atus of project a nd the app r opriate Housing Code Comp liance Program for the areas a t t at time. b. Normal action will be to e n f orce Code only t o: (1) Placard where warranted and seek demolition . (2) Corre ct hazards. (3) Reduce ove rcrowd ing. (4) Vacate unf it units . (5) Clean up premis e s. lL; 1- 1-67 �