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COMMUNITY RELATIONS COMMISSION NOTICE OF MEE TING To All City Department Heads: The C ommunity R e l a tions C o m m i ss ion invites you t o a tte.n d the public hearing sche duled for Thursday, February 16, 1967, at 7:30 p. m. to be held in City Hall i n Committee Room 2. The C o mmission pla ns to sche dul e a n othe r m eeting spe cifica lly with City officials t o h ear how we can w ork c ons t r u c tively w ith y ou b u t we want you to k now we w ould w e lcome your atte ndance at this public hearing . Since r e ly yours, J~1 k ~n,Q,_,_,b"\ Irving K. K ale r, Chairman Commun ity R e l a tions Commission I KK:fy �