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j / COMMUNITY RELA TlONS COMMISSION MINUTES JANUARY 27, 1967 Members of the Community Relations Commission met on Friday, January 27, 1967, · t 1: 30 p . m . in City Hall. The following members were p resent: Mr. Irving Kaler, Chairman Rev. Samuel Williams , First Vice Chairman Miss Helen Bullard, Second Vice Chairman Mrs . Fred Patterson, Secretary Mr. T . M . Alexand r , Sr. Mrs . Sara Baker Mr. C . G. Ezz rd R v . Joseph L . Griggs Mr. Joseph Haas Archbishop Paul J . Hallinan Mr. Al Kuettner Mr. Rolland Maxwell Rabbi Jacob M . Rothschild Mr. M . 0 . Ry n Mrs . ·Ma~y Stephens Upon motion duly made , econded nd unanbnously passed, the minutes of the p:reviou meeting were dopted ae submitted. Mr • P tteraon r ad th minutes of the me ting of the Executive Committe held on Friday, January 20, 1967, nd the Commi sion m mb rs di cussed th busin ri ing from this meeting. R v . S a muel WilliamB , Chai;rman of the committc to el ct the Executive Dh· ctor, repoitted th t M:r • Eliz Pa chall h -d be n recommended to rve a th Executiv Dil' ctor and mov d the . pprov l of this r commendation. Upon rnotion duly m d , second d and p sed, it w s RESOLVED to ace pt . the Committ e's r commend tion and request th M yol' nd Board of Ald rmen to pprove th ppointm nt of Mrs. Pasch 11 Ex, cutiv Dil' ctor t a al ry of $12, 500 p r annum. Th Com.mi ion th n dhcuf..l d the dvi ability of st blishing tenure of rvlce. Upon motion duly de, s cond d nd pa eed it wa RESOLVED that th •election of th Executiv Director b for J'iod of on y :r subject to i rmination upon sixty (60) daye notice on a m jodty vote of th full Commi •ion. �-


Page Two The Chai rman then asked Mr. Al Kuettner, Chairman of the Special Committee to Investi gat e OEO Funding, to give the Committee ' s report at thi s time . A copy of M r . K uettner ' s report i s attached and made a part of. these minutes (Attachment A ). M l". Kuettner rec ommended that early in the operations of the Commission a stand ing committee be established to w o r k clo sely with M r . C . O . Emmerich, Admin i ·trator of E c onomic Opportwiity Atlanta, Inc., to f ollow through on this r eport. M r . Kaler then asked the Commission t o consider two reconunendat ions adopted by the E xec utive Committee : 1. That any member of the C ommis s ion who ie absent from th~ee consecutive meetings without valid reason be J'epl a c ed by the Mayol' on request of the Commission. 2. That the time of t he monthly m eetings of the Commi ssion be e stablished on the f ourth Friday of each mont h t o c omrnense at 1; 30 p . m . at City H 11. Both of the s e i-ecomm n dation were unanimously approved b y the C ommissi on . The Chai rman official! y welcomed two new members, M;r. Rolla n d Maxwell and Mr. M . O. "Buzi" R,an, t o the body nd xpr es ed the pleasure of the Commis sion on their appoi ntment . Rabbi J a c ob Roths child made the following announcement a t this time . The Templ e i s c e lebira ting it 100th Anniver · a.ry and the Con g r egation wis he to make ome contribution to the Cit y . Therefore , the Congr egation h a s et s i d a t rus t i und in the mount of $5 , 000; the procee d s of. which will b turned ov e r to the Community R l ati on s Commi i on fo r the purpose of e ta.bliahing and giving a good citizens hip wal'd t o an individ 1 o~ grou p who be t c a :rd s out th pirit and pui,,os of the Comm! sion. T h e Rabbi p~ s nted thi to th Commls ton a p r oject ed gift from th Congregation with the und - rstanding that th r spon ibilU:y for s lectlon of th award wUl be 1 ft to th Commitslon. Upon mot ion duly mad , s conded and unanimou ly p a d it w R OLVED that thl gift be cc pt d and that an a.ppfopd t 1 tter of appre-clation be nt to the Congr gation. Th Commission m mb r xpr s d theiz- gratitude lor th gift and th int r et of The Temple. Mte H len Bullard, Cb ir n of th Progl' m CornmUte • pr nted th Com.mltt 's -, port to th Commi · "ton, a copy ol which is ttached nd mad • pavt o f th ee minutes (Att ehm.ent B). Th Conuni lon dl cussed thi repoi-t �Page Three ' at great length and adopted the Committee I s recommendations with the following c hanges : 1. Section 3 in the Preface was revised to read as follows : "That the Commission wherever possible avoid duplicating any function that is already being satisfactorily pedormed by an already established agency o:r group and further that its efforts be channeled in the areas of implementation rather than mere £act finding . 11 2. The listing of the survey areas in the Program I section was revised to read as follows. These areas will be listed acco1·ding to prio:rity after consultation with the Executive Director. a . Blue He ven b . Cabbage Town c. Mechanic ville and Pittsburgh d . Summerhill, Peoples Town and South Atlanta e . Vine City and Lightning f . 5-cotts Cro sing g . Plunkettown h . Bankhead Highw y area i . Thomasville j . Ea t Atlanta, Reynolds Town nd Lynwood Park k . Boulev rd (Bedford-Pin ) 3. Program ll will be implem. nted in the form of a seminal". The Pi-ogT m C ommitte w The following memb rs wer Q commended fo:r it appoint d as team Blue Heav nz C bbag T own: Me cba.nic ville and P ittaburghe plendid r port. to work in specific at as : Rev. J o ph L. Grigg · Mr. Ha milton Dougl , Jr. M r. M . 0 . Ry n Mr. Joo ph H R bbl J a cob M . Rothschild M r. A. L . F eldman Mi Hel n Bullard R v. Samu 1 William M r. Rolland ..v.ur:,u,o. well �Page Four Summerhill : Mr. Al Kuettner Mr . C . G . Ezza.,_..d Mr . James O . Moore Vine City: Mrs . F1·ed Patterson Mr . T . M . Alexander, Sr . M:r . lrving Kaler Committee to Organize Public Hearing on February 16 : Committee in Reeorve (To Serve on 0th r Committee When Regul r Membei- Cannot Attend) Th meettng was Mr . Robe~t Dobbs Rev . Samuel Williams Mrs . Mary Stephen Mrs . Sa;ra Baker Mr . Robert Dobbs Mrs . Ma:ry Stephens Mws . Sa:ra Bakeir Archbishop Paul J . H llinan djoqrned at 4 :00 p . m . Re peetfu,lly submitt d , Mi's . Fr d Patter on S cretal"y �