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April 10, 1969 Mr. Eugene T . Branch Chairman of the B oard of Directors Community Council of the Atlanta Area , Inc. c / o Jones , Bird and How 11 H as -Howell Building Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Mr. Branch: The City of A tlant · has been fol"tunate in having many citizens and groups volunt er th ir time and services to h lp resolve important needs in oul" community, A s th City has grown and th inter st and concern of our eitiz ns has increased, it has b come mor and more difficult to efiectively and efficiently utili:t volwit rs in meeting the ne ds of the city. lt is xtremel y ncouraging to s e the efforts b ing put fo:rth by the Community Council, th Chamber of Commerce, the Community Chest and the Atlant Junior L agu in developing vehicl · for providing ordedy ignm nt and utiliz tion of volunteer manpower. It ie s nti l that ther b a c c n b catalogued nd consolid to h lp fulfill the n eds. I b ffort c n the tal nt nd skill mar. hall d ntral point wh r by community ne d ted and volun~ ,rs nli t d nd tr in d 11 ve only through uch coordin t d of Atl nt 's vblunte r citizen be nd utiliz d to th b t dvantag of all th p . ople of th city. Sincer ly yo\U' , Ivan Allen. Jr. Mayor lAJrtfy �