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- \ . ' '. ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ATLANTA, INC. 101 MARIETTA STREET BLDG. ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 525-4262 C, 0, EMMERIC:H AOM1NISTRATOR February 15, 1967 ---.. I ·I The Honorable Ivan Allen, Jr. Mayor of Atlanta City Hall Atlanta, Georgia 30303 Dear Ivan: Thank you very much for your l etter regarding Housing Code enf orcement and for the copy o f your memorandum to Mr. William Wofford. Your request that we cooperate in seeing that the needs o f the fami l ies in the Boulevard area are met, will certainly b e complied with. I am instructing Mr. Harold Barrett, EOA Associate Administrator for Operations , to make all hous ing assistance service in the East Central Neighborhood Service Cente r ava il able. Our director at East Central, Mr. Ge o rge Dodd , will b e working very close ly with Mr. John Robinson and the Atlanta Housing Authority in taking every possible action to make thi s program successful. Your l ead e rship in matte rs such as this is of p a ramount i mpor tance t o a ll o f t he citi ze n s o f our great city. We appre ciate it . Warm persona l regards , c. WGT:kd cc : bee: Mr. Har o l d _Barr ett Mr ~ Dan Sweat O. Emme rich 'i _j__ �