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EU G ENE T . BRANCH. C..:Ju.:irm:l rl E !...L I O TT G O LD STE I N , 1:ic,: C/::1i r m an A. 6 . P AD'SETT . t' : {:r Cl:::in,:.:'1 M ns . T H O t-.1 A S H . GI O S ON . Si·c r,·ra ry R A LPH A. BC:CK . lr,:,t\ ttr r r DU ANE O ME TH O U AN D GLENN B UILD IN G , 120 MARIET TA ST., . J. w. BEC K, £\·e(·urivc D ireC({}1' ATL • T A , G EO IA 3 0 3 03 ·;-:• 2L c P H ONE 577-2~50 19 January, 1970 Members of the Metropolitan Atlanta Council for Health TO: . FRO.ii: A. B. Padgett, Chairman pro tern Meeting Notice SUBJ: The. annual meeting of MACHealth will be he l January 1970. Pl a ce of the meeting will be Room 409, 101 Marietta Street Building. Time wi 1 be 12:00 Noon. Principal business of the meeting will be the election of officers for the year 1970. Persons elected will s erve until the next annual meeting in January, 1971, or until their successors are qualifj_ed. Enclosed with this meeting notice is the r e port of the Nominating Committee . Persons have been nominated for each of the seven offices, and for a replacement on the Nominating Committee in case Dr. Wells is elected preside nt. (The president serves, ex officio, on the Nominating Committee.) The s e 'p ond page of the Nominating Cammi ttee report indicat es the d istribution of oner , two-, and three -year terms for persent members of the Council. This is to insure that one -third of the elected members of the Council are elected each year in the future. The selection f or l e ngth of term was done by drawing number s out of a hat, but assuring that specific groups (such as medi cal society members, h ealth providers as a whol e group, et c.) have a reasonable di stribu t ion of 1-, 2-, and 3-year terms. With the .possible exce ption of our first meet ing last June, this is. like ly to l;>e the most important meeting of MACHealth's history. Your attendance i s urgently requested. If you c annot make it, be sure your a lternate at tends~ A. B. Padgett, Chairman pro tern .JP/RBL/la I s.. P. , I regret to ha ve to tell you that, becau se of budgeta'ry. probl ems , we will 'be unabl e to hold our " getting to know you" me eting on ·7 February. Vie shall try to schedul e it for March. ABP �