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l February 3, 1967 MEMORANDUM To, Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. From: Dan Swe t Les Persells and I have d i scussed ways and means to attempt to move up the date whereby residents in the Bedford .. Pine area might be qualified for the Loan and Gr nt Rehabilitation Program. Las has written to th powers in HUD attempting to get a letter of consent on the project and a policy ruling which would llow th Loan and Grant Program to be in effect prior to initiation of execution of the project under the letter of consent. We don't think this has ever been done befor but if w are successful in g tting this authority nd e tablishment of eligibility. we will b able to lick one of the main problems which will constantly rise in an rea such this where we try to do Code Enforcement in a pl nned Urban Renewal are · • DS:fy �