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CITY O F ATLANTA Atlanta 3, Georgia SAM MASSELL , JR . November 10, · 1966 Pres ide nt, Boord of Ald e rm e n TO: Alderman Rodney M. Cook Alderman Milton G. · Farris Alderman John M. Flanigen Alderman Richard C. Freeman Mr. Charles Hart Alderman Charles Leftwich Alderman G. Everett Millican Mrs . Eliza Pascall Mr. L. · D. Simon Mr. Benny T. Smith Alderman Jack Summers M r s. Dorothy Bolder Thompson The Rev. Samuel Williams FROM: Sam Massell, Jr., Chairman·, ·Ad Hoc Commi ttee for Establishment of Community Relations Commission . I I i I T h e :i'e soluti on es tabli s hi ng our ad hoc com mitte e d ir e c ted that w e recommend to the Board of Aldermen the structure, membership and budget for a proposed permanent community relations commission. As most of you probably know, t he Board _of Alde r men at i ts meeti ng on Nove mber 7 adopt ed_a charte r amendme nt which form a lly cr e ates said c o m m i s sion. I .. I It is no w necessar y that we p r epare .bur r ecommendations on the .. me mbe rs hip and budge t , fo r which pur po s e I a sk you to a ttend a me eting . at 10 : 00 a. m., Thursday, Nov einbe·r i7, in c o mmittee r obm No . 1 o n the second floo r o f city hall. . \ The charter amendment provides t hat the commission shall consist of _20 members appointed b y the Mayor with the 'appro val of the B o ard of Aldermen. With this in mind - - and with good a t tendance at our meeting on the 17th - - it is probable that we could submit our recommendations to the Mayor on that day, which would give him time to compose his final list for submission to the Board of Aldermen at its next regular meetj.ng on the following Monday (November 21). This means that if you will make a special effort to attend this meeting on the 17th, this could - for all practical purposes - be our last meeting, and we could ... dissolve our ad hoc committee upon the establishment of the permanent commission. . �