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·' 'I 11 I I' I MINUTES HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE NOVEMBER 17, 1966 Members of the Human R e lations Committe e met at City Hall on Thursday, November 17, 1966, at 10:00 a. m. with the following merribers present: . \ . ' i I· I j ,j Vice Mayor S am Mas sell, Jr., Chairman Alderman Rodney Co ok Alderman Milton G. Farris Alderman Richard C. Freeman Mr. Charles Hart Alderman Charles L eftwich Alderman G. Everett Millican Mrs. Eliza Paschall Mr. B enny T . Smith Alderman Jack Summers Mrs. Dorothy Bolder Thompson The meeting was called to order by Chairman Massell and the Committee considered the recommenda tions of the sub -committee appointed to submit nominees for membership on the Community Relations Commission. After discussion of the sub-committee I s report and additional nominations by the Committee members, the following individuals were recommended to Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. for consideration: 1. Mr. James Moore, President, Atlanta Labor Council Alternate: Mr. 'E. L. Abercrombie Int~rnp.tion_a l Vic e President Secretary,. Tr@t:l.t:mrt:! r Loea.1 21§ Laundry, D ry Cleaning and Dye House Workers International Union Board of Directors, Atlanta Urban Leag u e 2. Rab.b i Jacob Rothschild, The Temple 3. ·Miss Helen Bullard,· Consultant, T oombs, Amisano and Wells �\ \I I I I ,.,. .... ---------------~ ' Human Relations Committee Minutes Novembe~ 17, 1966 Page Two 4. Mrs. Sara Baker, Resident of Peoplestown Section Alternate: I Mr. Arthur Smith, Manage r of Perry Homes Public Housin g Development 5. Dr. Cleveland Dennar d , Principal, Carver High School 6. Mr. Robert Dobbs, R esident of Perry Homes 7. Mr. C. G. Ezzard, Resident of Summerhill-Mechanicsville Section 8. Rev. Joseph L. Griggs, Gordon Street Presbyterian Church Alternate: Mr. Edgar Schukraft, Schukraft's Florist 9. Archbishop Paul ?allinan, Atlanta Archdiocese Alternate: The Rev. Kernan, St . · Anthony 's Catholic Church 10. Mr. Charles Hart, Member o f Human Relations Committee 11. Mr. James H. Moor·e, Attorney Aiternates : Mr. Irving Kal el' Mr. David Gol dwasser Mr. Hamilton Douglas, Jr . . 12. Mr. Mills B. Lane, C & S National Bank Alternates : Mr. Mr. Mr . Mr . Mike Che atam J. Ben Moore W. L. Duvall Lucien Oliver •• • _ ..... _ # . . _ __ _ _ .. ··1 �- ------------------------i Human· Relations Committe e M inute s Noven~ber 17, 1966 · Page Three 13. Mr. Joseph Haas, Attorney 14. Mrs. Fred Patterson , F orme r Pr es i dent of Unite d Church W omen Alternates: Mrs. L. L. Austin, Unite d Church Wome n Mrs. Carl J. Blie m, P re side nt, Unite d Church Women 15. Mrs. Mary Stephens, R e sident of Lakewood S e ction . 16. Mr. James Townsend, Editor, Atlanta Magazine Alternates: M r. Mr. Mr. Mr. Ray M o o re B en Pe r ry Al Keuttner Mike Davis 17. Mrs. Dorothy Bolder Thompson , Memb e r of H u man Relation s Committee 18. Rev. Samuel Williams , Memb er of H uman R e lat ions Committee I 9. Rev. F re d Sta i r , C entral P r e sbyte r i an' Chur ch A l t ernate : R e v. Alli son Willia ms, Trin ity Pr esbyt eri a n Ch u rch '\ \ 20 . Mr. R obert Mitche ll, Vice Pa.-es ide nt of Lockhe e d A lte r nates: I f M r . R obert M . Wo od, Sears, Ro e buck and Company M r. W . A . Parke r, Sr., B e ck & G re gg Mr . John W il son, Horne Wils on & C omp.any The Community R e l ations Commis.s i on ch a r te r provide s tha t t he Mayo r shall nominate individua ls to s erv e on this Commis s ion t o the B o ard of �Hun~an Relations Committee Minutes Noven~ber 17, 1966 Page Four Aldermen for their approval. It also provides that the M·a;yor shall appoi:qt six individuals for one year terms, seven for two year terms, and seven for three year terms and shall appoint one membe;r as Chairman. It was also agreed that the names of all individuals considered for membership on this Commission be submitted to the Comm\lllity Relations Commission for consideration on any advisory committees which might · be established. The Committee also voted to recommend a budget for the first year of . $30, 000 which Mr. Farris will have included in the Finance Committee report. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned sine die. '\ I I I I �