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DEPARTM ENT OF HOUSI NG AND URBAN DEVELOPMEN T ru.cHTREE-SEVrNTII DUI LDI NO. ATLA NTA, G[OR(; l,0. 30) 1.J Room 611.5 0 f :f'i_ce o:f the :Re~ional J February 21 , 196r( dminis tr 3.t or REGI ON Ill In re ply refe~ t o: Code 3 ADW Ho.::1orable I vo...11 Allen, J 1· .

-:::~-or o .i' the City o f Atlant a

Ci_ t :t · i .:-. 11 , t lant~ , Georgia - 30303 De x c ;.1:.:yor _· llen : Enclosed herewith 2.s an 11Advance Notice of Rev _s .d Code Requirements for a Workabie Progrem for Community Im;)rovc,.1ent . u Because thes e new standards considerabl y tighten the requ irements £or c odes and code enforcement we wanted you t o have a c opy a,::, eaid.y as possib le . Please note t hat the effec tive date of then w pr ovisions the l aw is September 2, 1967, but that the enclos ed public6tion al so contains interim standards for t he six-month period N.arch 2, 195 7, to September 2, 1967. or We urge you and your staff to c arefully study the re v ised standards and take any nec essary a c tions immediately . These revisions relate to only one of t h e s~ven ele~ents of the Workable Program . Continuing progress must be a chieved in all elements before recertification c an be granted. Please let us know if you have any question3 conce ..·ning the revised standards for c odes adoption and enforceme nt or on any of the other phases of your Workable Program for Communit y Impr ovement . This office stands ready to be of assistance L~ t his regard . S incerely yo/rs, £v1 ~ rtv·t·t-1/ 1 .l-10<~~ Edward H. Raxter/ · Regio Enclosure 1 Adm_inistrator • �