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May 23 , 1969 MEMORANDUM T o : Mr . Charl es Davis Frolll: Dan Sweat Subject: ABC Program I w nt to th nk you again fo~ your help in l'esolving th ABC program probl m . 1 ree with your comments in youi- memoirandum of May Zl , 1969, that the Finance Dep rtmcnt ahould have been notified at a much rller d te bout the plans to ph out the ABC program. A you know,. thi program le adlllini tered by the Personnel D rtment and th S ani tion Di1ision. Thi offlc · w s only brou.ght into the it tion at th 1 t minute bee Wi of the f Uur of the Peli' onnel Department to N olve the problems in thie c a • F ortunately; th · Fin ce D pa.rbnent w on thi progF m on short notice. ln th future aft r we bl to com to th rescu v the A dmWstr tiv Sta.ff org niz d and unction.mg, I am ur that we c n pl' v nt in.any of. these 1 st minu.t J'U8h probl rn from occ;Ufl'1!'1ng . With your coo r tion · nd xpe,...tit l m e rtaln that can · _ bll h ome roanag nt pl'ocedur and conttols which wtll b of h lp to all departments ln the City O ov . tn• ment... I DStly �