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., C (, To th e m any you.tbs who wlli be a vaila ble t his Summer it ought be tord 1.l,a.t m any o:ip riunitics are be~ to keep the·m l;usy in gainful emp,oymcnt. The j obs need not be b oring. f or m os:t can be f un ; s in e we use the cta.ylight saving: in; t m s area t h ere Is J!l enty of tim e to :have clean f u n l>eCore he Sun goes down . ./ The city parks are on sp ec ia l !iessions with a. multiplicity of l'ro gi:au:s, many @L£f!}ters are SJ?OD5oring danciQg-l)}ld other .1c- Uvitlcs, th ci-e ;i.rc even special programs for t he Elrl~l!j. Among· t~ r small jobs a vailable to you ngftus of all ages are n ewsp aper routes, extra . h elp around stores, r elief workers to allo w th e regula rs , to go on vaca tion, etc. \ Vhile the Summer may be Joni!; an d hot, it can also be a t ime for fun and gain . so t.his Summer · let the young lea rn a new "Thlng" . ... . . Let's get- aw:i,y fr om the a ncient s]an;; of "Burn . Baby Burn". and r eplac e it with, "Ea:rn. Bab:,: Ea.rn." �