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THE VOICE - June 290 1969-Page 11 T hernes A1id · Variatio ns By Xernona Cla_yto_re" -· -- -- - - -- - - -- ---

Twci highly capable Negro male Atlantans were promoted to top positions las t week. William Allison, former deputy director of EOA (Equal Op portunity Atl anta), was promoted to Dir e ctor to succeed Jim Parham who res igned to assume a new . post, "Bill's" compete nce is commensurate with the r equirements of the job--Kelvir1 Wall has been nam ed a vice-Pres ident of the CocaCola Company and becomes the first man "of cobr" t o occupy such a seat. Mr. Wall posses s es qu alities which m·arch the occas ion . Whe n black m e n r eceive the ir deserved and ea rn ed posi t ions , each of us sh a r es thep r ide of such r ecognition for it is a comfort to know that racism do esn 't a lways " prevail. This columnise congra tulate s these two men who obvious ly have both natural and ac• .quired abilitie s II - ' -- ---- �