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·1r n ·,r . r:1·1 t..::·> {~: I;· -,; /,--), .;7---:,., j' k__} V ! ~· :.; !D • cl_;/ C J n ·r: . 0 'u, d(J L' ,~/ &/0 .. _ ,,. "1 /l .'(' f! LJ , , ~ -

~ - z:•-· -, ~ 1.:y no:s r:or-nmn. - --, . ~ .1 black .-incl while," said I\Ir s. , Bc!.!cn. rcLrrinb :o l.b: r cco:-r1D~legatcs frcim lo·c:'-incomc Atmcnd:1tious. " l thi nk we ·re ask!;i nta co:rn nunillcs n: cl a.T-,;;::lu y _,j ini.; lli is in go,id fa ith." night with the city boarcl of ec!t:! Af: 1.::r l\' rs. ilfvocly agai11 r eca ti on and clecic!ed Le institute quested somethi ng in writing weekly mc::'.lings ,·.- ith t 10 !Jo:,rd " to r el· le bac:l(' to the clis:1c!- ' · to di~cuss problem.' in ci ~1· vanlag,.•d comr'.1unitics i11\'olvcd, ;


• The delegates, members of th~ \'."ainl',TighL said, " Well, O.K ' ~.ducaliu;i sulicornmiltc>c of !Ii::'! Th:i nk 'you fo r corni ng." ! Citizens Central Advisnr v C(lun_j There was a brief. uneorn for- ' cil, presented 13 r tconi menc!a... _... _ j L... . 1 tc1b! ~ si: c11;:e. !hen bo:ircl rnern- ; lions for irnpro\'emcnt of Oi,Cl'a 1:m 1L, :n- r ric ht J ,,11:1 Lei, ,,:, ber Hor .c·c Tate s a1· p cJ the audi- , a~i-c 1 erwc from com ing tu an end ' lions of th,: ci\y sc:1oo!s to bo:.1 :·d : of , 1·,c SL' lJ•' O" lll' .' "L' 1 ' • ' ~ .. '. ' l • - · c ] I I. th I . · mem bers. whet her it \\'OU!d l;c p ssib!e to lY a~,~n~g ""' e SUK:1mn1tltce T' . · , , ,1 . ., . m cm Ld~- 1.011 ,1all" rn rnutc ne m ee_!mg ;ilmost ended geL . _ie r~sponse ll1 ll'rlcillg . you' re not s,wing vou don't abruptly rn its curly stages when Wamwn;;l!t said he didn't want a discussi~n? " disagreement rose on ,1·heU1cr think "some answers on a piece the _board 's responses to_ Ec'?,: of p apc-r w·oulcl explain very T AKES T fl\fo nom1c Opportun ity Atl :mla-lhe much , a nd that i\Jrs. Moody or Wai11wrigl1t th en said formular ,~67-iii11c·naii'fioi1s'snoLiicChc -u!J- another rcp:-esei;tali'.'e sl{ou!cl tion of written a nswer.-; would ni!tled _to t h_e . related subcom- write lite al!~wers 01,r n if they requi re C'onsidernbl e r e:,ca rch millet' rn v; ntrn <'. wanted them c,n pa!Jl'r. and time, and suggestt:od lhat a(ler an~ \\'crs had been 1•,-rillen Wilen hoard Presit?cnt 13ill l\Irs. Dorl•Ihy Bolden o[ Perry down, tlle bo.:i rcl a nd the sub\Ya inwrighl and At!a nt:1 school I· -lomcs said that if disc1 di·an- comm .11,,·'e could " e:ci arutmd 1 Supt. J ohn Letson µro1io·'.i"'·d th P_v rn ·::;c·t.1 Jic>Ci'l,e ,ll'e to b.. cduca t- lhc table • ~ 81 d di.,cuss " ' ' JJrobgi1·c ,·erb,I\ ci 11s1rcrs b the rec- eel tf1,,:-· m u,,[ han~ a11s1•:f•rs " put . ' om mcncl a lion.-; i m 111 c d i :• l l'l \' . d<w:n in bl,:d:; a1:cl whi,c. ·, Ilcrns. Mrs. Maggie j\!oodY, chairma11 '·We broughl this tu vou in I l\ lrs. Bolde n s:1id she ft'll " we · ought to ha 1·e the answers to : one or two qu,,slions·' to take I home 1.n Jhcir C'onsli!uPnLs. ' 'All r ight, piek 'cm t1 L." Lcts0n suggcsle, the uliima l e- ! ly ·appru 1·cd r-Lrn of m e:ding o:1c night a week at Lwo-hOll!' ,,essions "fcir li,iwc1·cr 10:ig ii lakec;·• to cl i~c ,1~s scl1co1 sl'slcm funclions and p 1Jhk1-i-,s oi1, by one. The su bcommittee mem1 bers agrc-:-d lo sl arl the series I \ of meeti ngs at 7 p.m. \\'ed1~rs- l I clay with cl is:-u~~in:i of the i1ew school lunch p1·0gra111 l'.l be inI sLilulcd th::; fni l. amo ng other matt er;;. (~ I NOTlll'.'\G TO J: ID!·: ' ·\\'e ha\'C) nothin;; lo hide in Lhe school sv~tem ... L !:tsc.,n s;iid. "The f;;ct.-; ·\\'ill he a t. your di , . osal. 1r !11et e is a better ,r ay to do 2.:1ything in this ~cilool

sysi l'ITl , ht're 100!

ing foi' il. "

\ lfr Lr gcr! the 11k lilU?rs f th •.'! . r.O .-\ -;·Pi , l1cl co;n:11ilf 0 '.' nnl to to c-H:clus:l,':, " ,,nd LO · ·'tal.e Ilk ti•:·.:' · tn lt-:1r:1 ab,,ul 1~\h :r ;.1ti :,1r--: cf t'.1P S} .--.Lt rn. I " j ump ! I :\l tk · t ·.1t,d of ti,,' 1ri,•l'l i:1;i:. , \\·c1 :rn 1,;hl Ind ubj··-·td ltJ iou; -ic:cL:1:-::tit_n..; Uy sub; c 0n1n1 i if LL~ !ih ni ;,-. rs th·1t thr \,h,·.·clrd wris C')~ Cl n1 n1uniccd inr;; ~.,\·1th i L:i ( ·1i i.,:.! tu. !.~ ~ - andr l'ited ' 1. 1.-• r c1 .l lc:te·r.-; f' r0n1 !'"(J:\ o f;.:3..: ilic iab than'.dr,~ t ~ H,,:.rd of J p i t' \ '. tduc.1fo,n fnr kc2 jJiilg clun n0\., , I --- �