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THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1969 Tw· T E Phyllis Ca r ter and Sheila · White, beth students at T ho.m as High School in CoUege Park,. have been named winne rs of conomic Opportuni tv Atlanta"strmmeY m cs1c sc o atsh 1ps lo atte nd the Eastern Music Fes ival. The fe stiva l wi ll be t)eld at Guilford College ne ar Greens boro , N. C. J une 20 th rough Aug . L Participa ntswi!l receive priva te instruction fr.om professiona l musicians . Phyllis , 13. a nd Sh il a. 16. are both s tudents of J a m es H . P a tterson , band director a t Thom as. The girls , who live just two blocks apart. are among e ight winner s in the e ntire city. Schola rship recipiants were selec ted a fte r a uditions bPfore a pane l of professio:.al musici ans a nd poverty area resid ents, according to Dr. Benno Fra nk , direc tor of 'trea tive Atla nta , EOA's summer a rts program. During the summer festiva l participa nts will present numerous public concerts. Arrangem en ts have also been s ., IC t dents cho arsh i1 s m ade with an educational television channel in North Carolina to film a program featu r ing the young musici ans. and plans are being m a de for a special White House perfo rma nce this fa ll. Scholarships include tuition. living expenses, clothing a llowa nce . tra nsportation and incide ntals. P hy llis , who plays the bas-so dent. She was an alternate on the junior high all-state band and plays saxa phone during th e foot.ball season. She has a lso been playi ng the pi ano since she wa s six and bega n her band instruction on the c!ctrinet as a fourth-grader . Patte r son beea n tP:irhin P he r to play the ba ssoon two years ago. Sheila , who also sta rted with the clarinet, now plays oboe and hopes to learn to play tl~e __saxophone or flute. �