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I(/U).( I _, ',.::::: 0 -. - f;-=i !n ::·,('· 1j H U By JO G RAH/.f..1 STERN Staff Writer L ,. - ~ •.. y time yo!tJLf~e r_fo r.Econom ic _Qr.o.9~LY..!- _1J_,~n.t1;_ "'Arte r is not a typica l work- " To say tha t I'm sacrific'ing .awthing is ba loney. J just Jove these kids. f'i ghting pon:rty is li!,e fi ghting a fire from a ci rinx i:ig foun t3 in wilh a paper cup ." This is the way Charles Ar ..er , a Southsi je r esioen t, feels a bout wor..ing as a f11ll- er. He dcesn·t have n ordi nary· job b"cause he !oesn't ner:.-d the money , since he r ecei es an income from an in ie rit e d trust fund . "I came to At Rnta \': it.I a fri end from Akron, Ohi o. J ha d rec i•..-ed a degree ln e~onom ics from Amhers t Col- .f n Jl , ~ -• .~ •f ' ' :l' bJ • oo, > o· fj Li~~ ((··.<I Ir ' • " Ii <J 1 ' ",, ~ · •l .-:;,, lege , a nd my fr iend was atteDdin(T E mory · b siness sc hcol. He an u I began loo ·ing for worl and found j obs in a soci al welfare ag nc y. Arter fou nd soci a l work unre wardin::;, he sa id, because he was " not a liowed to do any tbne I felt v,as relevant or worth \·hi le." v;ith i ic orr;,rni.zati on ever since. He feels he is he lping to brid.ze the ap oetv1·een black. and 1hite peo le . ~ "i I ~ find -·animosity amona · j bl2.cb:; but I can under tand The f i ' f ' \ i \ I' it. ma j ority are r ec1l!y fri cn,.iy. Tl,cs kids 3re ca nd:d . They 'll test you , and they can spot a hoiJe . ' ' J us! being in the area has l awa:ened rter to t .e needs more arid better schools, ~ for 1 rernc ial reading classes , Je3s cro wded classrooms . l j i t'i ~: r· • I ,. 1 ~ l I I i ., I ·, ' t " . t..---_en \HI.ES \WITH .\ \I) nrn-:,Jh ..,-t,i~~t \\ ti!·l,t' r an d C'.1p_i) •>! .\\ 1•, Pupil ~ I I �