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. ATL-ts.J\TA DAiLY WORLD TJ-!UPvSDA Y, Jli:-.-E 26, 1 969 - r~:v~~,., ~ C -~~· Nine different agencie·s are co mbining their sources ai ct se rv i ces t o offer many residents of Fulton County a free h ea lih check~up this sum1 er. T he County anciState Health D epa r tment in c ooperat ion with th e !11 edica l Society, Red Cr os s, TB Associat i on, E. O. A., D L'lb etes As socia tion, Model Cit ies, and the city oi Atl an ta will offer A tl ant ns t ests f or tuberculosis , diabet es, syphilis , emp 1ysema, and bronch i t i s. "Health F airs" will take place at every f,.,...--:r-.. '. ·': - . . b_g__rh_q~E?..U' ; . ,<;;. f:nt~r rFulfon County . l)fficials of the H ea lth D e artmeRt and E . O. A. encourage all t e:magersand adults i n t he ::. r ea t o tak e adv anta ge of these frees rvices . Ac cording t o tllrs. Ol ivia Pull ens, chai rman of the h ealth committe e in t he Peny Homes area, "These areas are overcrowded and far from doct ors and druggists . Some people wou l d never k now about these· diseases or wh ether t hey have them with ou t something like t he Hea lth Fai r. We need to catch these thinbs ea rly . All we' re doing i s asking t he people to comE out and get these te sts r i ght on th e spot at t he EOA Cen t ers" T he Health Fairs will take place f rom noon to nine p . m . at these E.O.A.Centers on th e f ollow i ng"cfates: Central Citv J uly 1, Kortl1 Fulton -July -8, Nash - Washin~ton- July 15,-- f Northwest Perry- - July 22, -1South Fu lton -July 29, East 1 Central-Au gus t 5, Sum-tlle<'A ugust 12, P i ttsbu r gh-August 1 9, . West C ent r al-August 26 , \Ve st End-Se tembe r 2. in j �