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---~ - -- - - - - - - - - Parent C eri ter anrl Chdt Federql J ou rn ;i l, f'or.s (il n ll on Wash in::. t :,n J~:1rc:t u WASHl:-iGTON - Foliov:ing is a summary of le'.;scr grant;; to Georgi a and the A la11la ,ll'ea . announced by federal c1gencies _ and department· lac;t week. From the Office of Economic Opportunity -- $176,!lf:!l (pa rt of ; total gra nt o $210,0GO) to_E£.~:.'. nn1J.1ic-.O.rmm· 1111ilv /-.tlanLa for· the cont it1iiing•.operalion of a parent and child CL'nl cr . 1 J' F rom tile Depr,rlme nl of Jlous- · ing c1n . lJrban Develop ncnl-$'.l7 .56-l to Atlci nla for incr ecisecl cosl~ of site imprn-,·cmcnts for the Georgia Tech urba n r enewct! area. From lhe Depar tment of Commerce-$57,6CO to the Cenlral Sm·annah Jfo:er Area Planning' and Dc\·elopmenl Comm i,-~ion lo help eco;icm ic grrmU, planning for Bu r,e, Columbia , E m,rnuel , Gl ascock. J efferson. J enkins , Linco n. \ lcDuffi c, Hichm onrl. Screven. 'fal ifer ro, W?. tTcn and \\'i lkcs counties. !, J I �