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ll \.1 :._·; t..: 1 t.. A yea r a·go , the \ \ 'est _ En Neighh0rh oo . Service C,:,Qt~.J,:_j1!it i2.ts,d ;,. uniq 2 pro 6 -arn• to · · Lus\rffie ffl<:: t..:nds ~nJ m ines of htinGff,.S cf jobless , moneyless ki s clesil·ing wol'l: dtu·i g the sum mt:r, ~-l nny of t he::;e c .i lu:·cn W<!::e un er 16 and financin ll y dep.::nde:it on thems e lves. T hey v:a ntcj to e arn m oney so the y c ou d go bac to sc hool in th- fa ll vl h e: equate mone y fo r clothing , trr-.nspo, t:>.tio11 to · school e.n. lunch 1 ,one y. Ar rro r iatdy c a lkd Rent-A-l'U , the non· · profit program la st year oreratcu on a shoes tr ing budget and was blc t o organize , sup-ervise and p ace a out '100 c ildren in jo. s t hrong ollt the Atlanta area . T ,e P• , gram was so popt ' ,.r with kids l 1unse~vcs tl,::. t by t he end of the s um me th. 1·e w::>re m :rny , many mo re boys ~n, gids on r~scrve \Vf.it!ng lists t h:i.n t ..:: re \Vere c1.ctu:: !:,· \";or~~ing. T his summer , the !\layer ' s Council on Yc•uth t!f,.s ex anclecl the Rent-A - ' i prngn:m t o tap tie youth re&ource::; in ten L'" r:•r ivi. le8ed sect ions thro ughout t c fiv~ count · \ :8 ·. ro o ita.n are~. A p icture of the average Rent-A- f~id rev a ls t nt he is 15 years old, h~.s si., broth-e rs and sisters , lives in a hcnse ,old \'1.1ere t here is 110 •fath r r c:;n hl s mot ,or works. He lives in U0!ic housjng, sh:ircs a .ed w·r:h t le2.st two oti.?r chil:!1·en anJ e::;ts o;,e Rn:::i a h?.lf mea s p:.!r cl,iy , His fo m ily ' s income is less rh:in $3 ,000 per .year. He i s as e2.ge r to v;or k as he i s to eat. Re r:t-A- ICi. s c a 1nio \v lawns , trim s u b2ry, cban fi o-.·.-~;: ds , was. win:lows , move fu r nituJ~e , cle an out bc.semeut s , attics and garage s, p:1 int ( vith sL1per ision), m end and hem , ir on , b::ibys it, was., c ars and m any other things that are not listed h,:;i·c . Ch1rnces ar e , if t he u iic need s a job to be clon th at is not l is ted here , a Rent·-A - l'id will be able to fi t t he bill . They are a va ila ble from Mondays t irough P r ida ys from 9 to 5 an on S .. t urd ays from 9 t o l. T he y work on a n hourly bas is ·iti1 an avere.ge c.,art:'= of $1.35 per hour or 75 ce nts an hour· fo r 2bysittieg during t he ay. Ti:2 c h.:11·ge , however, is fbxible de .~ nding on t he t ypa o: ,·,or.· to b0 done . T h'=' kids are willing and cager , but thesuc -ces~ of t he program deper, s entirely on the jobs a\',iilablc for t em. This is wher . 1e:.ro :;, it 0.l! r.::-e r eE. jent- come in, Look arom1d t e t,ouse. Loo!: arotm t e yard . Look ar oun t he basement or the attic. Loo. "tall tha t you wis h to do s.n d o not have time ro do. T hen , thin!: of t , e mr.ny c hil,.,ren who Leg, " Do you know where I ce.n get· a job? " A n:i call 577 - 5252 . Yoti nee the h.;:lp. . . J
