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\ JP\o·verty 1 \ yo:i efh§ 1receE'"Je ruiu§I o T 1 \ \ I -, "P. o _i;:C tl.Ot,€){1( § !/l,f,1 ·g Ei g hi g ift e d teenage nrn s ic i~n~ fro m 3cw-1 ncomc familiC's h,ll"e be en aw a rd e i;~l10l arship s to th e F.a sk rn Mu sic Fr st iw;,J at Guilf ord Colle ge n e ar Green s boro , N.C. , thi s summer in a com pe li l iun ,,pon~orcd by Economic O pporluni t,, A ~ -~ Th ey were selec te d afte r audition s tefnre a pnne l of profe ss iona l mus ici an s

r,_d p o\·c rty-area re s ic e nls, acconiin " to

Dr. Benno Fr,mk . di rector. of '· C1'e .live Atl a nta," EO . 's summer· arts pro grnm . 'Iw ad d itiona l s chol ars hip s a re still rendi ng. Tn e fes tival progra m , which \1·ill nm from J u nc 20 lo Au g. 1, will i nclude r,ioff.s . iona l art i,ts an d · in,;lrurn ent,il mu~i c ,;tuclcnls from a ll ov er th e n c1 ti on . Etuclrn ts will be g i1·en pri1·at e i ns(rn ci) u1 i.ly t ,, e pro k~s ionaJ mus icians . r~rtici polion of po1·e rty youth s is c · r,r, ss ib! e throu g h an O EO g r,1 n( 1o fiq, Southca~tc rn c i l i C' . . Th e 1cl;0Jarships include tuit ion , Jivin g J1€ 1,sts, a clolhin g a ltow;i nce , tr;:inspor! a-· 1imi; and inc iclcnt a Js . · · S-M .l ·cx- ):ft,irin g° _(lie summel' th ~ stud ents \riil ~resent nu me r ous public pe rfor mances, ii;c:luding a p rni,;r:•m on N01'lh (';,ro lin a ·. u 1ur,,tion:1 J TV s!:iti on . Pl :ins a re als o i e11~g made for a Whit e H ouse pe r for~.r.f,n,ce _in t he f a ll. J �