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.( c:.i /~© Implementation of a summer feeding ·program . which will provide mini-meals to an estima ted 70,000 Atlanta • children before the summe r is over. bega n Monday. 1\1. Agnes J ones F:l crncntary School. located on Fair Street in southwes t Atlanta . is one of 12 Atlanta schools selec ted to serve as a food i repara tion and di stributi on point. The between-meal supplements which will be trucked \I I r1 twice c1 day to parks and p!ay- Atlan ts IS or.c Ol the lirSt pare the mini-meals a t the 12 lots. will consist of such i terns cities in the nation to take ,:chool cafetcri.a s . . as milk. sandwiches, fru its, ad vantage of the ne\v feeding breads and juice. A number of • procrram made available by West Encl supervised playlcts the US Department of Agriand recreation centers arc ·culture 's "Specia l Food Seramong the 100 to partici- vice Pro" ram for Children." pate in the program. Atlanta 's program is reported . Among those already bcin0 to be the largest in the nation. served in WC'st End arc 0:.1kAlthough USDA provides land City East. Howel l Park. most of the fun s and food for West End Park. and Commu- · this program. its actua l opernity of Hope. \1orc will be ation is the result of cooperaadded as the program gets tion and hard work by offi cials of the city , the Atlarita into full swing. Boa rd of Educa tion, lheAtlanta P:irks and Recreation Department and E conom ic .-9., port.uni ty_ A !c11i ta. -·~ sa1u Mi°keRay.--wl10- is with EOA-i!,!_!f]is coordina ting the --sm'itmer feeding program . Ray said that ·'a lthough !he program is ready to go, we are low on supplies of cardboard boxe and ~andwich bags. " He sa id he hopes local industries wiil contribute boxes and sandwich bags. Tha t way, a ll of the USDA fn n .,s could be spent on food fo r these needy children," he said. · The Campbell Foundation of Atlanta has a lready contributed $10.COO lo the summer project to help pay fo r _personnel needed to pre- .I �