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I .• I City ces By ALEX COFFIN The Atlanta Board of AMerm en Monday established qualifying dates a·nd fees for the city elections in October. . The boar d adopted the proposals of the aldermanic Finance Comm ittee and City Clerk Jimmy Little. The City Ex:ecutive Committee last week endorced the proposals. The qualifying time for the candidate will be 8: 15 a. rn. to 5 p.m. Aug_. 25-26 The fees a re equivalent to two moqths' sa!ary. They are mayor, ~5,000; vice mayor, $1.400; a lderman, $1,200, and school board member, $600. At"Efie end of Mooday's a lder- t ·<Lalifying Se m anic session, Alderman E vereL Millican a candidate for m ayor, spoke critically about remarks made over the weekend by Mayor Ivan Allen Jr. and forme r Police Patrolman James Mc 'inney, now a ca ndidate for the board from the Third Ward. Referring to Allen's comments about Mi!l ican·s age on a t elevision program Sunday nigh t. l,le (Millican) said, " I'm .71 years old. I want you to kn?w that. Yesterday, someone said how old I'd be when I got out. That's the first time I've heard it in reverse. I_'ve only got one foot in the grave." Allen had noted in summing up the qualifications of the candidates that Millican would be m ore than 75 at the end of \ his first term if elected. Millie-an · dicin'! name the mayor, but left no doubt as to whom he was re1ferd ng. 1CHALLENGES j / mayor and aldermen 30 days before signing any ·public hous· ing contracts. 6. Delayed action ·on a proposal under the Model Cities program to exp;rnd the ~ nomir. Ortlun.Uv . ma se rvice center nclgnhurif'oo program• into Grant Park anci Adair Park. Alderman Gregory Griggs and ~Alderman Robert Dennis made the request. · Then Millican sharply criticized McKinney for the former policeman's remarks on a r adio 11 program Saturday. Millican said McKinney "lambasted a n d abused" the m ayor, the aldermen and the .Police department as "crooks." MiUican said that if McKinney k new of any wrongdoing, he should go to the grand jury "and I'll help him . . . If not, he ought to keep his mouLh shut." MU!ican then said he understood that Mrs. Eli_za Pascha ll, who was ousted as director of the Community Relations Commission more than a year ago. was one of McKinney's "main campaign managers.' ' OTHER BUSINESS During the regular order of businP..ss, the aldermen approved for new terms Grady Ridgeway as airport manager, Jack Delius as parks general manager, Roy Elrod as auditorium manager and Howard Monroe as City Hall superintendent. The board also: 1. Heard that Allen had re-appointed Edwin Sterne to the Atlant.a H o u s i n g Authority (AHA. 2. Receive a draft of an updated ,building code, which will be explained at a public hearing July 15. • 3. Approved zoning changes to allow additional parking at the Sheffield Building at Peachtree and Collier Road. . 4. Approved the planning for the relocation of Carroll .P..oad, which had been made four lanes a short time ago, because ,of expansion of the Fulton Coun- I t-y Airport.

5. .Approved a resolution risking the AHA to inform the . I I �