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- .. • Monday, J uty 14, 1969 ~e.2\flnnf.'tS!ournat i 5-A r . ,o-fer La h e f r c ool o rd Mrs. .June Cofer, chairman of the Model Cities education subcommittee, has announced she is a candidate fur the First Ward seat on the Atlanta Board af E ducation. Mrs. Cofer launched her campai;gn Saturday at a barbecue given in the front yard of her home at 443 Oakland Ave. SE. · What she described as a ..grass roots" affair attracted several dozen supporters, both Negro and white, from the several neighborhoods composing Atlanta's 1\1odel Cities Area. Mrs. Cofer, who is white, will b ve Robert Waymer, a Negro and a funner official of ;11:conomic~pportunity !UJanta, Inc., the antip,nerty agency, a$ her campaign m anager_ seat now occ':1pied by Ed S. Cook Sr. She is not "running against" Cook, she said, but is running for the school board post because "I feel it truly necessary that we have some representation of ordinary citizens on the school board." What I have been saying," she said, "is that my friends asked me to run, my enemies dared me to r un, and the condition of the school system today forced me to run." Mrs. Cofer also is chairman of another Model Cities committee, , that advising on deveiopment of the headquarters comple~ b.eing developed at the intersection of Washington Street and Georgia SHE SEEKS the school board Avenue . ... �