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CRITIQUE OT? \ \ 11 Hanpower. a nd ·-Emp J.uymcnt J.n Ge orgia 1' _ by Cl:i.n t Rodge:c r1 Deputy Adminis t rato r Economic Opportuuity At lanta, I n co 101 Mar:Lett.2 St.> N. H. Atlanta, Geo ~g la 30303 Octobu:: l~) 1969 •


': �Cr itique of "Manpower and Employme nt in G0orgto " by Clint Rodge ro The structure o[ -thi.u cr it :l.quc on the above n o.me d mm1unc}:ip t will be under the th.,.;e e_ major head ings of Stnt-:i.s t:tcnp Interpre tation of Data, • I ' - and Conclusions and Impli cnt1.ons o This -s--t,.:uc tur.e :l.tHe.lf is indic c.tive of the oren3 in the manuccr:i.pt J.endtng them.se lves to questio ns nnd critic a l a na lyaiso STATISTICS .. - Gencn:a lly the stat:Lstic;-; rc::fercncod a ud used in t he m~musc.:;::tpt are the best av[t iJ. tlble ~n<l ,:o p:r.esent a breed spect:rum of so1.n:c:es and d isc :i.plincGQ A , Yord of c nution~ howe-1Te::.-? must b o :f.nscr.ted in that pract:tt:foncrs a nd tHlm:i.nistr~torn :1.n. t:hc? manpm·1 er. field c onsi.Gt0ntly de scry tho l<elck of c\dcqu.!Lo d:,, t:a on x,hich <·o base decision:::. Further~ r.:eidc b:om th{;.:t,:- :Lncowplctcncs::: t :;~eprGsent ldstoi;.·lccil nituat:lonti und thei r u se for maki ng p:rc.dictioiw :ts i ncr. c.-.w ingly en<lr:ng~rc<l l>y a multi- tude of socinl , and cultural forcen axcr tinB ever occclerntinR change on the ~conomi.cs o f the ·1fat:lon ar:i well ac the Statco The manuscr ipt is one of few that rccoini zcn the existence and magnitude of what the author calls the "un:i.c1ent:i.fioc1 uncmployc<l n. This phenomeno n cannot be overs tr. cs:::ed , cspc r: !:l.nlly ln tc rmn of ito i mpUc ,. t:ionn for ml\npowe r and ocucation. It pro· nbly 1~cprescnta the ninglc most urgent 13ympt:cm of tlu1 de cpe,: problems in the educ atio nal r.: nd t~1anpowor "'ystcms . Thi s ,dll l-C' furtl1 cr diB cussc<l in the later parts of this ci:it:1.que o Ano ther c,~t:c ·1:ic ly i rnpor.tant symptom mentioned in Dr. Fulmer ' D pap er wa:J underemployment. given. l~·l::J Sign:U.:icantly no complete stot: is tic.a were major pr.oblemG :r.cVttive to ttn(forcmp loym nt p,·cvent nn


...- �• nclcquntc EHJoeosmcnt. First~ (l co nsensus on wha t const:U:utcs tmdcr- employment is lncking. Tho U. s. Department of Ltibor. roughly defines 11 11crson in a job which requir.ea lees unc1e>:employment aa pltlccment of sk:Ul than the employee posBe: osco. However. ~ most: poor peop le nnd civ il r i ghts groups usunlly r.penk o f m,dcrcmploymcnt .<lS working :Ln a job which pays lcds than ia raqui~ed to ~3intain a minima l standard o f living. Lack of: u ndCJrstand:!.ng und/ or Hcccptnncc of a definition makes communic n.tions and cla ta coHect:ion vi.:,:-1:ually impossible~ TI.is ' rcEmlts in statc!mcntn such as the one on pngo 28 of the man.uscr:f.p t which Hc.ys, 11 0bv:tously many worlrnrs, er.:lpcc:i. r-i lly among forMlcs :failecl to uo r k f:ull - t ime thJ:our;h choi.cc. a~ 11 o fu-;iong poot' womc1.1$ wh;.1t: mny nppcm: to be a - f: nilm:c to ,-1 0rk by choice of:tcn ):eprcnentc over.-uhclm:1.n~ obot nc:los to cmployi.ncnt creatotl hy lens then subsL:; tcnce lQvcl ,.,, ages coupled Pith a mu 1 t ituclc of eoc J.(l 1 ancl. pc,~:rni:rn 1 proh lcm8. if the S<!m,:.mt:l.cc:: Wt)TC c lni--:l.fic.!d . Secon<lly ~ there :L o cm:,:ent; ly Tbc dcg,:c:c of confu:Jion on this i ::; ~ 11 H.ow mrmy nb1e ho<l:i..o<l hlo (.;k men ,: n:e t:hcrG :n the gho l~t(, th.nt: h.:rve -t1ct .. been countc.d? 11 /i.lthour;h much r,pecul.'.lt:f.on Jws been don.c , th e only olrnolutc

r.cspon~1c :!. n thnt as aoo1.1 ,;13 t:111:•y ~rrc counted , there will not b e uny.

IN1'ERPRETATTON Of D:\TA You may hci ve noted tlrnt fJCV(!rB l time G the wonl ir "'ymp t 01n 1_! h.:1s been u ~rncl :tn t h :!.G crf.tlquc, Hb(;rcan the r; mnc phenomenon iu the manuscript was urnrnlly :::tc1tcd in t1,o 1.r.lplied c ontext of .'.1 ' 1p. oblcnu 11 • , 1-Ici:c- i.n. l ice the clu o to the major thrust of cr it:i.c:tsm o f the rn:.musc r.:7-ptc Yet th1.s thr ust ;_r, ext:rcmciy c1.:tfficult;: to coromunici.-1t c bccauoe it rc- qu:i.rea n f :r:mne of rcforcnce nllnoct contradictory to mnny accepted vnlues uhich serve 11s .1n ~'1 .l.?2.:i~ <lcpm·ture for the nwnuscr:i.pt. Or �to state th:ts another \,m y, much of the manusc r ip t er; :tntcr pretnt:Lon of tho dota hccomaa the best c ~~amp1.c of its own luck of. validi t yo Before proccocling with c :x::.unples wht ch clemonotrc:1 t o the Cl.hove point.p . plcnsc no t e th at thex-e i s absolutely no :lntc.mt t o qucctlon the :f.ntcgr:Lty or chm:nctcr 0-£ the m.::i mrn c:ript _0 1·


,-r.1: Hc:q:; .. Ifath0.r thcn,):11·---~---- " ·· __·,. - qu:t to va 1 id f:o:c a whi tc ~ m:l.c1d1c c larrn or :lcnta tccl. rJod.c ty, but 'i·m ~re . . of t ubcu:Ltur c groups comprised ~ o f bot;.h 1,:t/1 ck and poor whH:e e::i..t: :l.~~Gn(: . - Withoitt m~[:;Uc:tng the -,; clad.v0 \,,_ mci~:l.ts of the v alue _1,1y:Ji:cnw of: t h e se v~tr i01.rn g 1.:-oups , the fDct rema ins th nt: conc lusion~; and ii1t;c r prctntionn h,::GE:<l on mc:l j or ity cu1. tur81 out look are uo t n e c e r,r;~,rily v,11:Ld f:or the s ubg:roup s , an.cl p J_an r.: a nd p):oz r oms b a s ed to f:n:l. 1. X

Ls q1. 1 5. to n~t11r:il for- onymi.t~ :i..rnhw :i d wi.th dorrd.nc:mt cu l tu:cn l - v i.cw-·

· p oh~t 1: 0 ar: ur.1e 1:hn t a puhlic schoul r)yntc.m uhich lw c b een f n :i.:r.ly r-m cc 0.sPi ·· 0 f ul i.n cducat5..111J t he mn j od.. t:y of the r.1otn1.n::m t \-:-11.H<s rn:i.dtllc cl nes shou l d ouccccd d .th oUic:i..· group:, .:w we ll . 'J1mc i!: :f o '.U o·;-;,s thn t a nyone .Hho fo :i.b . .. ., in th e r:: y r:; t:c-:m docs so b ccciUf;e he :f. s inca p~blo 0 1· urn-1:!.ll:lng t o l cL1rn. 11ms the rn n.nu~; c -;:- :i.p t cont::lllu.c::; tn tho nc2,t l og:!.c a l step o f pr opo sini add:L t :i.onal ,!duc"tion, tr,, ir:in.g .:ind c.ounsoling fo.1· the dropouts .:ind fa:l.lu:r e s • . _ Thl::; i n trcatEir:n t for tlw cymptom uh cn:- t:h'3 c nu~Q :ls pcrhllp ~., more rcL1t0- <l t o luck of belicnrt-'bla oppo r i;uni tic:.i even wHh C!duc.:1tion , ho:; t ility tow.a :n l I -I th ~ c~duc n t:tonnl :Ji.1.d cconomlc nyntemn 'i,11:d.ch fll:Ll t o rccogn:i.:.-:;c t:he mi nor H:y cultural vnluw:: P otce . The p::ip8r aln o c i t es !:t'nnGportat:io n as n job b.:irrier whe n :f.n reality thin :i.fl of ten a i.:ymptom of the :~cal problem wh:J.c:h ia tho economic and rrnc:Lal r cn tri.ctlonn on housin~ p,'.lttcrn::i i:ot· the poor nnd . •: ,,r:.. �. -

-- - - - - - - - - - -

II tho blt1ck wh:i.ch f1cpnrat:c th0.m f,:oru job o pportun itles. Other c:wmJ?ler; could be c ited~ but the- po:l.nt :l.o that the cxp:L:Lc :tt rmd :l.mpl :i.c:tt :tntcrprotat ionn 1n: the rn:'.lrn.1nc~:tpt must be qucs t:!.oncci. oince t;h0y ,:cf:leci: i.:h0 e.du.c af:1.orui l mid economic v~1l uc aro P to vnr:toun d" grccs ~- rcjcct:c:d. byt tho::: c --to· bo bcr{eHt t cd~ The purpose - ·- - - - - - 11lnjor d~m5cr comen only if t,c bcliev0 thnt we aro trcat:tng the causes. CONCLU~; J.O.\~S Al: D II-lJ?LICAT:tO:-TS If the~ v.ppx-onchcs t o t h o intcr-prct.:.1t :lon. of c:t..1ta sugg estcJ :tn th:tu cd.tique m:c. va.1:Ld ~ tlte conclus:1-oi.18 .and :Lmplic;:;tion s for edu cation it :r c :i: nl:hcr c>:ten.niva. Alt:lwu~>;h any of tho followi1 g po:tn t;µ <lcscr.·v~ more_ pc·.c:i.cn.eer: o f ono i-nvolvecJ. in. odmi.nif;!.:m:-ing .1,:ot,:::.1mn d csizncd to c<lucn t0 t:md trnln the h,'.L::d cor.e 'lmet,1p loycd nnd unclo1:mn1,loyc<l . Gduc nt:i.on clocr; not ex:l.c t in r.t v··cuum, bv t: nncl c c~o:10m:l.c vnlua cystcrrw . Also cincc thfa

I.G l1 p ur l: of tlw to tal sod.nl

1'he:cofo1·c cducr.t:l.on nJ.onc cct1.mot solve all the prohlo;nn or :~yDptorn!, v1.n1.ble :ln it r- s t:x-uctur c., but umst: 0 if it in to s m:-·'l:i.\1(• ~ .'.lGrm.mo mo:t:c poaitivc l c ndcn:hlp both inside :ttn structu~:c no ucll n.n :tn t:h<! totnl c orrmmn ity . '11w cducntfo:.1 (~otnhl:lsl1.m0nt rm.1!:lt :re0)rnmh10 :l!:~1 o.t:titudcs, both consciouu and unconnclouo, toward the <lropout. It i G oaDy ond c nlming to one t n ego to n::rnumo that .~ st:1.t dcnt ,1i:io foilo o r t1 ;_~op~ . out is incupnblc 0 1,- unwil11nr, t:o folt:tn. It is nomc'i-,h.'.\t d:L nqufoting to i:rny that . ;.-r;- �· - · -· -- - -- the ochool nyotcm docs 1.1ot know oi: unclcr Gtm:i.d hou to tc t1Gh the fltutlcnt 6 rt is 0.asy to of:i:c1: com:)cnoGtory c ducat:i.on bccc1use t hnt impl:tcn that th.a oyGtem :b v .11:i..d and the. ctuclcnt :tti jur.t cJ.ow. To ouggcHt th..."lt the systmn may not h e ,:eJ. ~vnnt to tha student :l.n o ften viewed us m 'li\!ne r:i.can. the r;yLJ tcm 1 s t'l clf ir:icigc . To e;;~plorc.. t ho po sciV.'il:i ty fo:Us to po:cfon, tmd m:tr.bclwvco bcc,'.'.l ucc hiG


0110 of h o::;t i:\.ity tc)'\n:n: d 1 1m


p r~:l.i.1.ft.d.~ v:f.C"i·Y To th.'.'lt the studo nt: of the school 1,; :Lraa 0 e . Although the ol:u<len t f'i: om _______ .. __·~·--·-- --~- -._ -·-·--· ·- -··-- - - - ··- . · --· ·· to the futur e of cduc n t: :Lon :L 8 to lcm:-n how t o t:ucc ccd ·w:t th h:l..r:1. Dr. Fulmer su r;c~~ct:G t ha t rn::n:c cmph ::wi s ho p 1.ftced on ·\roc .'.'.l t :!.onci l Aren Voc.;.1 ti.orwJ. Tcchn ic.n l School s. \n t:hc r,u'Gli<! Gchools : 11ch ,i p rogr.mn 0 rccc:1tly 1:-'.i,.1dc by rm ht1:h,tn c c.1u c.:ito:c . If th:lr; h<'tppcnt3 > iJ; will ogtt:ln l.'c:tnfo1:ce tlrn attitu.<1(~ tlwt these s tur.ltrnts ,n-c :l.nci:ipab le of acnckmJc \-mr Jx.. '1.1.11.s t; pp:co ;:i ch ·c oulJ :1.nrmrc rniluro 1.m d ;m c vc ntunl <.:onf:ron 1·:Jt:i.o n c11onrr r.ncial l:tncs. /1. quaU.ty llcodc::r.:t.c pr-02;:cwn J.c n eecfoo. ln ' .:ll l ·; )v.blic schooi u rw ,-1011 a s voc u t:io rinl eciuc£1t ·' on o An Dr~ 1~u:tmc1:- p o:l nto out, th(~ i . l': 0 ,1 Voc nt :lonn l Tcchn:tc1c1 l Scl100J.r. ' h ave done an c :~ccllcnt job 1.n t ~o.:l.n:Lng'pcop l c £oi: 1.:mccc nu:fo l job p laccu mcnt ·- i:or those uho ct,n nnd u :1.'J.l ,:1 ttc.1d. Lnot yc~r one r.:t c h vocntiona l ochoo l 1n the :3tatc ptlhHched ntnt::i.et:tcn uh:tch re:vcD. lcd th:1t ovc-n: 95% not ocl:'vinL; the l.11:n:-d cc,rc unemployed. hutccl to at lca:;t: t~10 mnjo1: fnctorr; ~ This fact can probnhly be attri•• t:hc hlah cntrnnec rcqu:i.rcmonts :for many of the courscE, .1n<l ho~:tility tom.!.nl the c-ducntion.ol c~tt:lbllshmcn.t . •

�on the part of the dropout. Skills centers a~o being propoaed to meet the n0ads o f the ha-rtl core uiwmployod. trndi.t:lonal vocntiono.1 cducatio1i 1 D Such cei:i.tm'.'s hnvc h a d Gome success -pl1 :t. lo.aoph:i.cs 11 at tl t u<l0s nnd techniques. - - - .

Cn sunmi,_wy, the mQnur:cr:t pt he:i.ng : cnHe,!o<l <i:i.d-un ·e xcel lent j i~> -·:, r-,. '-

,:cveal:i.n.r; mony pcrt1.nont · f:ac.tors ralative ·-r:o -·thc future of: manpo,-mr in Gcorg:ta ~ The main thrtw t o :i: th:i..fl er :r. t::i.que io to provi.de the reader n:t t h snothe1: :lntcrprctad.on o:Z the d.:-tt.r.i bnsccl cin c;cpc:cicncc w1.th thor.e whom - -------- ------- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - -~ - - -- - - - - ···-- ---· -- -- the ccluc.:1tionul system foiled~ 'I'ho ti.rn3- nn.d c:p.:lce rcst:r.1..ct:tons in th:!.,'3 c ritique made impossible the full uovelopmcnt of the :i.d.cr.w m1d conccptB Ol1tUnc~ds but tho hope 1.s that udc~qu.n!: c :Jtimufot:ton for has been presented~ .[u-i:th(;~X" though t �