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l J uly 29, 1969 Aldcnnan G. Everett M ill can Chairman, ~ublic V'l c rks Committee 500 B i sho p Street, N . \\' , Atlanta , Georgia 30318 Dear M r. M illican : The Atlanta Beautification Co rpa Pr oj e ct was a cornponent p r o gram of t he . Atlanta Concentrated Emi)loyr.ncnt Pr o gram s ponsored by E con o n1i.c Opportunity i\ tlanta , I n c. It p r ovided £ 0 1· hiring of about 40 pove :rty area people who could · not otherwi oe quaHfy for City e2nployrnent (becaus ~ o f ge , health , etc .) and u s ing thorn fo:r street cleaning and other similar duties in the Sanitary Depax :rn2 nt, The prog:r.a1n haB been funded for over a year o n a rein1bursable basis by EOA . The Ci.ty h as pc'.id thE- u 10:rk':'rs ~ J , (10 pr-:-r hour ;:;,nrl th!? 1:11-1pe :rvi~n1'R ~;,, , 7.5 np1• hour and each 1nonth we have bill ed E OA for the a1nount expended . . Ye,u wili recall that budget c utbacks t the Federal level c ause!d EOA to ad v ise the City in Mar ch that it \VOUl<l no longer fund this proaxam after April 30, 1969. ·w e pre vail ed upon the ,-:.gency to continue funding the pro g ram a t one-half the previo u s level thr o ugh August 31, 1969, and the F inance Comrnittee pprovecl City funds to continu~ the whole p rogran1 until that date . The City, therefore, will be "£equired to make a de ci s i on on this pr o gram by early August beca us e it is o nly funded until A u gust 31P 1969 . v-:e have reviewed this question with the City Pers o nne l Department and the Sanitary .D i vis ion of the Public VTorks Department. Both of these organiz.ations recom.rnend stron gly that the program be c ontinued at least until the end of the: year if funds can be rnade available . A copy of M r. Ralph Hulsey 1 s letter is encl o sed . In order to continue the program until December 31, 1969 , in the manner Mr . Hulsey suggests will re(!uirc a rnaximum of ..:-47 , 000 for salaries. The abnonnally high rate of absenteeism in the Sanitary D i vision this ye ar h as caused a surplus to exist in the sala ry account whi ch could be ueed for this purpose . The amount oould be confi rmed by the Finance Director . �------Ald e rman M illican P age T w o ·- July 29, 1969 Vl hat it boil s down to is t Ms . Thes e pe ople w ant to wo r k and the Sanitary Divi s ion s~ys they are p:rodu cing. This i s a de ci sion which addresses it self t o the Publi c W o Tks Committee cf the Board of A l dern~e n. I would hope s o me d ecision coul d b e made a t the C om.mittee meeting Thu:.: sday so that action might be taken at the M onday, A u guat 4 , me eting of the Board of Al dermen. If I c an be of s ervice tc y ou in h e l ping to res olv e thh m.atter , please let me know. Since1·ely yo u r o~ Dan Sweat DS :fy- cc: M r. Ray Nix on M 1·. Ral ph Hulsey �