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July 10, 1969 Mr . Vincent L . Tata 1495 Barnett Shoals Road A th~ns , Georgia. 30601 Dear Mr. Tata: Thank you for the l tter and resum and your interest in possible mployment in the City of A tlant . I know of no sp clfic positions. withi'n City Gov rnment which might interest you. or fit your sp cial qualifications . How ver, l hav forw rded your letter and r sum. to Mr. Clint Rodger , Deputy Adminlstratol' , Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. , the City's community action agency, for con ider tion. Mr. Rodgeii f miliar with many of the program which might ofter an opportunity for you to us both you.r p at xperlence in OEO pl'ogr ms and your st:rong cap bUity in th S pani h 1 nguag • Slncer ly yours, D DS:fy cc: Mr . Clint Rodg r• S at �